Helpful Links
Society of spinal surgeons specializing in scoliosis with member names available by state and country
Site developed by Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Inc.
An online community dedicated to children and parents dealing with scoliosis.
Provides in-depth coverage of the most common issues that patients ask about and is frequently updated with new and useful information, clear animations of spine anatomy, conditions and procedures, a directory of board certified/board eligible spine specialists.
WebMD develops strong relationships with leading healthcare information providers to deliver the most comprehensive, credible, reliable, and relevant medical information.
SpineUniverse came into being with the initial support and investment of spine specialists and medical companies around the country.
Mounted by a group of “patient-oriented” spinal surgeons across the country, this site offers many studies about spine surgery, pain management, and related information; ask a question in the doctor’s forum and have it be answered by an expert.
A well organized site developed by a spine surgery group.
Run by a private couple. A good site for scoliosis links and polls.
Covers all kinds of health fraud and quackery with personal stories and studies.
This genetic study at Johns Hopkins Hospital is trying to ferret out common genes associated with Scoliosis; get involved in this study if at least three members of your family have Scoliosis in order to help prevent this deformity from being passed on to coming generations.
Detailed descriptions, usage directions, and side effects of prescription drugs approved for the US market, searchable by drug name; helpful in providing information similar to pharmaceutical package inserts on NSAIDs, pain medications, muscle relaxants, antidepressants and other drugs commonly prescribed to Adult Scoliosis patients
This nonprofit organization helps arrange and subsidize travel to medical facilities for treatment; it may be useful for the scoliosis patient who needs to travel long distances, particularly by air, to a specialized doctor for treatment
The full text of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act found here can inform you of your rights as an Adult Scoliosis patient to special devices such as chairs or accommodations such as rest breaks that can help you at your workplace.
This site has a searchable database with abstracts that summarize studies written up by spinal surgeons specializing in scoliosis printed in the journal “Spine.” The full articles can be ordered online for a fee, or can be obtained at good medical libraries, which are often found in larger hospitals and on the campuses of medical schools. (Call ahead to see that any particular medical library is open to the public.)