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  • I have mentioned every time that I'm there that Rachel wears the brace about 23 hours a day. No one has ever said that the two breaks of 2 hours are necessary. Dr. Coillard and Dr. Rivard have both heard me mention how we wear the brace. I used to make her back hurt to have it off. Now, I just don't want to change anything we have been doing for fear it might change our outcome.
    God has used scoliosis to strengthen and mold us. He's good all the time!On this forum these larger curves have not held forever in Spinecor,with an initial positive response followed by deterioration. With deterioration, change treatment.The first year she gained 4 or 5 inches and was stable at around 20/20 in brace, followed by rapid progression the next year.She is now 51/40 (Jan2008)out of brace (40/30 in Spinecor) and started at 38/27 out of brace(Jan2006.) Now in Cheneau.


    • Hi All,

      We told Dr. Deutchman at our 2nd appt that it was impossible to take 2 breaks because the morning was spent getting ready for school. He had just been to a conference where they said that one break was fine. But it is important to take that 1 2-hour break. I always make sure that Nicole takes it at some point during the day.

      Last year when she danced 6 days a week, it was tough to even find 2 hours to take the break because you should take the break when the child is not active. I didn't want her to take the break during dance.

      But I agree with you that many times it seems such a chore for them and they don't feel like taking it off. That is good because it means it is like a 2nd skin to them and it is not a hardship to wear it.

      But when Nicole does take it off, she always says, "Aaaah" because then she realizes how free she feels. That is good too because that means it must have been tight enough if it feels good when it comes off.

      I'm sorry I am rambling on. Don't even know what I am saying. It is 3 in the morning and I just can't sleep.

      From Bucks County, Pa., USA

      Mom to Matthew,19, Jessica, 17, and Nicole, 14
      Nicole had surgery with Dr. Dormans on 9/12/07 at Children's Hospital of Phila. She is fused T-2 - L-3


      • It is 3 in the morning and I just can't sleep.
        make yourself a nice glass of warm milk, distract yourself from your worries by getting a sloppy roman or an easy, boring video and hopefully tiredness will take over soon

        take care



        • I'd love to be able to massage her back - I did when she was still in casts and a lot younger but now she's six years old and very aware of her body and refuses to even let me touch her spine for more than a few minutes
          Lisanna absolutely loves touch and is very keen to get her massages in which I try to find a mixture between pleasure and "therapy" (though admittingly I am not trained at all to do anything therapeutic)

          I think there is the risk that as our children sense our "obsession" with their backs, they get very paranoid about every look, every touch, every remark in connection with their backs. (Why are you looking?? Is there something wrong? Why have you got that worried look on your face?) Through this they associate their bodies with problems and worries, rather than a source of pleasure and instrument to live life!

          If I were you celia, I would try to break through that resistance, whilst she is still young, very carefully, by focussing on letting her experience that touching her back can also be pleasurable. You could either start with other parts of her body (lisanna loves having her feet done), or alternatively you could establish a family massaging session, where everybody gets and gives a turn (good for familydynamics as well) Whilst you do this, ofcourse resist any temptation to deliberately touch and "check" her spine.

          (apologies for the advice you did not ask for........)



          • Gerbo,

            What is a sloppy roman?

            It sounds as though you have a very close relationship with your daughter. My two girls barely let my husband give them a hug, let alone a massage.
            But Nicole sometimes wants me to scratch her back and I do. But of course, I think I always say something negative about the shoulder blade that is sticking out. I could kick myself because I am sure I am adding to poor self-image.

            If she ever needs surgery, I was told that the shoulder blade will always stick out afterwards. So I should really stop talking about it to her.

            I am constantly looking at and checking Nicole's spine. I know I have that worried look on my face many times.

            The other day, Nicole and I were looking in the mirror together and she said, "Look, Mom, one shoulder is higher than the other." Of course, my day was ruined.

            Anyway, I will try to go to sleep.

            You are very right about not making those negative comments.

            From Bucks County, Pa., USA

            Mom to Matthew,19, Jessica, 17, and Nicole, 14
            Nicole had surgery with Dr. Dormans on 9/12/07 at Children's Hospital of Phila. She is fused T-2 - L-3


            • I am sure you have come across the "serenity-prayer"

              God give me the serenity to accept things which cannot be changed;
              Give me courage to change things which must be changed;
              And the wisdom to distinguish one from the other

              good night


              • although somehow i prefer this version

                "Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill because they pissed me off."


                • I love to massage my daughter’s back, and she enjoys it too, but I must make a huge effort to keep calm....I’m always checking her back, posture, the brace, the exercises....; I thought she didn’t realized, but she does. She has told me several times that i´m obsessed, and in fact she is true: I’m.
                  It’s difficult, but I try not to worry her; I don’t want to give her a complex, She is a teen, and has to wear a brace, that´s all. When i´m especially worried, and i think she is going to realize, i do the cleaning. Now she says, that i´m obsesed with the cleanliness, and my house is now more tidy than ever!
                  2004: Daughter diagnosed at 13 L38º. Risser 0.
                  Treatment: Cheneau brace
                  2009: Brace free, 18 years old, Risser 5, L25º


                  • Gerbo,

                    That is my favorite prayer. It is in my signature on SpineKids!!!

                    You didn't answer my question.

                    From Bucks County, Pa., USA

                    Mom to Matthew,19, Jessica, 17, and Nicole, 14
                    Nicole had surgery with Dr. Dormans on 9/12/07 at Children's Hospital of Phila. She is fused T-2 - L-3


                    • Melissa, That was a short night for you.

                      Which of the 2 prayers??

                      Sloppy refers to the kind of story where predictable romantic emotional tearjerking events take place, and which make you weep when you feel vulnerable......

                      Last edited by gerbo; 10-23-2006, 07:58 AM.


                      • Originally posted by cherylplinder
                        I have mentioned every time that I'm there that Rachel wears the brace about 23 hours a day. No one has ever said that the two breaks of 2 hours are necessary. Dr. Coillard and Dr. Rivard have both heard me mention how we wear the brace.

                        At the one month follow up last year, Dr. Coillard asked me how many hours Deirdre was wearing the brace and I said 23 hrs/day and she was delighted! At the clinic appointment two weeks ago one of the first things Dr. Rivard asked me was whether Deirdre was wearing the brace 23 hrs/ day and I said yes and he didn't say that I should do anything differently. I was just wondering why the Spinecorporation website site recommends 2 hour breaks in the morning and afternoon and if this is relevant.

                        Canadian eh
                        Daughter, Deirdre born Oct 2000. Diagnosed with 60 degree curve at the age of 19 months. Serial casting by Dr. Hedden at Sick Kid's Hospital. Currently being treated by Dr. Rivard and Dr. Coillard in Montreal with the Spinecor brace and curve is holding at "2" degrees. Next appointment 2008


                        • Gerbo,

                          Of course it is the real prayer that is in my signature. Yours is funny. But I really do love the Serenity Prayer. I say it to Nicole all the time because she always wants to have control over things that she can't.

                          I guess you were talking about Romance Novels.

                          You are right. I only had 3 hours sleep. There is a lot I should be doing, but sometimes I use NSF to avoid.

                          From Bucks County, Pa., USA

                          Mom to Matthew,19, Jessica, 17, and Nicole, 14
                          Nicole had surgery with Dr. Dormans on 9/12/07 at Children's Hospital of Phila. She is fused T-2 - L-3


                          • Gerbo,

                            I don't read romance novels, but any of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books are a good read if you need a good cry. There have been times through this journey with Scoliosis in which I needed to cry, but just couldn't. I sometimes feel like if I start, I'll never stop!

                            My youngest daughter is practicing on her drum set as I type this. Maybe I need to take up the drums to take my frustration out on the drums! Who cares if the neighbors don't like the noise!

                            Melissa, get some sleep! You won't be any good to Nicole or the rest of your family if you don't take care of yourself! Take a long hot bubble bath tonight, maybe a glass of wine (ok, a strong mixed drink) and go to bed.

                            Mary Lou
                            Mom to Jamie age 21-diagnosed at age 12-spinal fusion 12/7/2004-fused from T3-L2; and Tracy age 19, mild Scoliosis-diagnosed at age 18.


                            • Hi all. I'm fairly new to the forum. My 12 year old daughter was recently diagnozed with a 24-25% curviture and has been placed in a TSLO brace and just started wearring it over the weekend. While she is getting used to it ( the beginning was a nightmare - see my posts in the parent forum), I am concerned that it may not be the best treatment both physically and emotionally. I have been reviewing this thread, doing research and spoken to Dr. Gary Deutchman in New York and am setting up an appointment to see him. Mind you when I asked my daughters orthopedist (who happens to be one of the heads at Columbia Hospital in New York) he responded that he was aware of Spinecor but did think my daughter was a candidate due to her being overweight. He neither opined one way or the other about the Spinecor brace itself - but then again I did not push him into a corner about it - which I will before going forward with the Spinecor. Dr Deutchman was not so concerned with her weight issues.

                              I have two questions for those that have chosen Spinecor:
                              1 - How did you come to terms with your orthopedist or diagnosing physician who may not have been in favor of Spinecor?
                              2 - Did anyone's insurance plan cover the Spinecor brace or treating physician? While I won't let money get it the way, it would be nice if I could get my hmo to cover it.

                              Thanks for your thoughts.


                              • Hi,

                                Apparently weight is not an issue with the spinecor brace as it is with other rigid braces that rely on the three point pressure system and hence weight would come into play and I think some studies have shown that overweight children do poorly with rigid bracing.

                                The local ortho was very receptive to our decision to travel to Montreal and felt that the spinecor was not much better than rigid bracing. My daughter was only five years old when she went into the spinecor brace and one of the youngest so I guess there was a bit of apprehension on everyone's part including the spinecor doctors as to how she would fare.'s been one year and we're doing O.K. *two big thumbs up*

                                As for insurance, I think you'll have a harder time convincing insurance companies that you should get reimbursed if you see a chiropractor rather than a medical doctor. Our insurance company reimbursed us for the cost of the brace but we needed a letter from dr. Rivard stating that it was medically necessary.

                                Canadian eh
                                Daughter, Deirdre born Oct 2000. Diagnosed with 60 degree curve at the age of 19 months. Serial casting by Dr. Hedden at Sick Kid's Hospital. Currently being treated by Dr. Rivard and Dr. Coillard in Montreal with the Spinecor brace and curve is holding at "2" degrees. Next appointment 2008

