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  • I don't think dr. Stokes envisioned anyone putting weights on one's head to correct a scoliotic deformity but it stands to reason that the idea of asymmetric loading is the same. Here is one of his articles on the Vicious Cycle Hypothesis.

    Canadian eh
    Daughter, Deirdre born Oct 2000. Diagnosed with 60 degree curve at the age of 19 months. Serial casting by Dr. Hedden at Sick Kid's Hospital. Currently being treated by Dr. Rivard and Dr. Coillard in Montreal with the Spinecor brace and curve is holding at "2" degrees. Next appointment 2008


    • giving away clothes

      Hi Everyone:

      Annabel had the vertebral stapling surgery done last week at Shriners in PA. She's recovering well, and we should know in a month or so what kind of improvement it's made initially. I had about 10 t-shirts custom fitted for her to cover the Spinecor strap that went up to her neck, and I'm wondering if anyone would like them. They're all about size 8. If someone wants to send me their address in a PM, I'd be happy to send them along.

      From Massachusetts, USA
      7-yr.-old daughter in Spinecor 9/06-10/07
      Vertebral stapling surgery done 10/07 at Shriners in Philadelphia


      • Celia:

        I have read the document by Dr. Stokes. I have written to him asking his opinion of Pettibon body weighting. He may not respond - I am sure he is a really busy man - but I am very interested in his opinion given his research findings. Thanks for sending the document.

        Ruth, 50 years old (s-shaped 30 degree scoliosis) with degenerative disc disease, married to Mike. Mother to two children - Son 18 and daughter 14. Both have idiopathic scoliosis. Son (T38, L29) has not needed surgery to date. Daughter (March 08 - T62, L63).


        • Ruth,

          Since you're seeing drs Rivard and Coillard on the 23rd why not ask them what their opinions are regarding weights to the head and shoulders to correct a scoliotic deformity and whether they feel this is a contraindication to the brace and effective scoliosis management. You should make a point that prescribing chiropractors intend to combine this asinine therapy with the spinecor brace and charge patients good money for it.


          I'm so glad things went well with the surgery.
          Last edited by Celia; 10-13-2007, 09:33 AM.

          Canadian eh
          Daughter, Deirdre born Oct 2000. Diagnosed with 60 degree curve at the age of 19 months. Serial casting by Dr. Hedden at Sick Kid's Hospital. Currently being treated by Dr. Rivard and Dr. Coillard in Montreal with the Spinecor brace and curve is holding at "2" degrees. Next appointment 2008


          • Caroline,

            I wish Annabel a speedy recovery and great success from the stapling surgery. How did everything go?
            From Bucks County, Pa., USA

            Mom to Matthew,19, Jessica, 17, and Nicole, 14
            Nicole had surgery with Dr. Dormans on 9/12/07 at Children's Hospital of Phila. She is fused T-2 - L-3


            • Celia:
              We have already spoken with and emailed with Dr. Rivard about Pettibon treatment. We do intend to talk with him and Dr. Collard about this when we go to Montreal next week to get the brace.
              Ruth, 50 years old (s-shaped 30 degree scoliosis) with degenerative disc disease, married to Mike. Mother to two children - Son 18 and daughter 14. Both have idiopathic scoliosis. Son (T38, L29) has not needed surgery to date. Daughter (March 08 - T62, L63).


              • Hi Melissa:

                The surgery went well. Annbel was up and walking within a day or so, and is now pain free (a week later). The folks at Shriners are truly amazing in their attitude and care. Only time will tell if this has "worked." We'll know in six weeks, after the first post-op x-ray, if there was any correction. But with this procedure there seems to be potential for correction over time as well as she grows. Given that she was progressing in the brace, we felt like this was our best shot for now.

                Thanks for asking!
                From Massachusetts, USA
                7-yr.-old daughter in Spinecor 9/06-10/07
                Vertebral stapling surgery done 10/07 at Shriners in Philadelphia


                • Hi Caroline
                  Please keep us up to date. I have had the thought of stapling in my head for quite some time, because bracing has been very successfull for us so far, I have not wanted to admit it to anyone.
                  from CT, USA
                  6 year old daughter diagnosed 7/06 33* T9

                  Spinecor 8/06 - 8/2012
                  8/06 11* 3/07 5*-8/07 8*-2/08 3*
                  10/08 1* 4/09 Still holding @ 1*
                  10/09 11* OOB 4/10 Negative 6*
                  10/2011 Neg.11* IB 11yrs old 0 rotation
                  4/2012 12* OOB 0 rotation
                  8/2012 18* OOB for 2 weeks. TSLO night time
                  2/2013 8* OOB 3 days TSLO nightime
                  3/2014 8* Out of Brace permanently


                  • Ruth & folks,
                    The conference is to discuss new chiropractic treatments for scoliosis curves over 30 degrees. We asked our chiro to ask Dr. Morningstar if he is combining Spinecor with Pettibon.
                    Just wondering - why are you against the wearing of head weights?
                    Weighting the spine asymmetrically is not a very wise approach, despite any evidence otherwise. Adding compression to a scoliotic spine is a bad idea from the start and could have lasting negative consequences on the intervertebral discs, not to mention other structures. Recent studies have shown that constant forced loading of the discs causes physiologic deterioration of the connective tissue complexes they are comprised of. Whereas rapid intermittent loading stimulates positive physiologic processes, promoting healthy formation and function of the discs.

                    I won't bore you with the details or any further comment... but I thought I should say something about this barbaric and ignorant methodology. Pardon my frustration.

                    With Regards,


                    • Caroline,

                      If I had a young child and he or she was progressing in a brace, I am sure I would have made the same decision as you did. We had inquired about it for Nicole but she was not a candidate. I wish Annabel the best. Are you coming back to Phila for your appointment?
                      From Bucks County, Pa., USA

                      Mom to Matthew,19, Jessica, 17, and Nicole, 14
                      Nicole had surgery with Dr. Dormans on 9/12/07 at Children's Hospital of Phila. She is fused T-2 - L-3


                      • Left Thoracic Curve?


                        Just wanted to hear from anyone who has heard of a girl with a left thoracic curve, diagnosed as juvenile with no underlying causes. Madeline just had an MRI. I was almost certain that something would show up, but it came out clear! Of course we were really happy about this. However, now I am wondering how uncommon this may be. Maybe I was wrong about this being uncommon? Or maybe she had infantile scoliosis, and it was just undiagnosed? She was diagnosed at age 7 and by age 8 her curve was about 24 degrees. Now we are having good luck with Spinecor and are down to around 5-7 degrees. Just curious what anyone has heard.




                        • OMG!!!! Structural and I actually agree on something! I'm feeling faint.


                          I came across a really great article recently on Juvenile scoliosis, if you'd like I'll post it.

                          Canadian eh
                          Daughter, Deirdre born Oct 2000. Diagnosed with 60 degree curve at the age of 19 months. Serial casting by Dr. Hedden at Sick Kid's Hospital. Currently being treated by Dr. Rivard and Dr. Coillard in Montreal with the Spinecor brace and curve is holding at "2" degrees. Next appointment 2008


                          • Juvenile Scoliosis


                            That would be great.




                            • Sarah,
                              I am so happy about Madeline's progress. That's great!
                              I was wondering about you the other day. If you posted before, I missed it.
                              God has used scoliosis to strengthen and mold us. He's good all the time!On this forum these larger curves have not held forever in Spinecor,with an initial positive response followed by deterioration. With deterioration, change treatment.The first year she gained 4 or 5 inches and was stable at around 20/20 in brace, followed by rapid progression the next year.She is now 51/40 (Jan2008)out of brace (40/30 in Spinecor) and started at 38/27 out of brace(Jan2006.) Now in Cheneau.


                              • Originally posted by mpj
                                Celia, That would be great. Thanks. Sarah
                                In summary, the authors in the following article state that even though 20% of scoliosis cases are known to have an underlying cause which could be found through an MRI, the remaining 80% of unknown "idiopathic" cases are likely to be postural in nature and should be regarded as a biomechanical deformity regardless of initiating factors - hence the success with the Spinecor! Like many other researchers, they consider the classification of idiopathic scoliosis into the three distinct infantile/juvenile/adolescent groups as "arbitrary" and should not preclude the possibility that juvenile or even adolescent scoliosis could have originated much earlier or even in utero.


                                Canadian eh
                                Daughter, Deirdre born Oct 2000. Diagnosed with 60 degree curve at the age of 19 months. Serial casting by Dr. Hedden at Sick Kid's Hospital. Currently being treated by Dr. Rivard and Dr. Coillard in Montreal with the Spinecor brace and curve is holding at "2" degrees. Next appointment 2008

