Shriners will lose $150,000 because they refuse to stop their association with animal cruelty. If they want to keep using circuses, they need to hire ones that don't use animals. If they care about these kids they will stop trying to get blood money from animals. Shriners are coming across as psychopaths knowing these animals are abused and still wanting to use them. It has to stop and will be opposed.
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — For decades, the Shriners Circus has delighted young and old alike with its live animals but that angered some animal rights groups.
Last year Pittsburgh City Council banned certain devices animal trainers say are needed to control the animals.
Last year Pittsburgh City Council banned certain devices animal trainers say are needed to control the animals.
No circus means loss of $150,000 for local Shriners and its national mission focused on children.