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Boachie being sued

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  • Boachie being sued

    major article in newspaper today....
    Boachie being sued...
    i do not know how to post connect u to newspaper...
    but it was in today's NY Post...which can be quite
    the rag....but the lawsuit is real...


  • #2
    I just read it quiet horrible
    Brace 4-15-05-5-25-06
    Posterior Spinal Fusion 3-10-10
    Before 50T
    After 20T


    • #3

      There, I think that works...
      That's a shame. All surgeons have problem cases, and this was in 2007.
      Last edited by Susie*Bee; 12-02-2014, 12:21 PM.
      71 and plugging along... but having some problems
      2007 52° w/ severe lumbar stenosis & L2L3 lateral listhesis (side shift)
      5/4/07 posterior fusion T2-L4 w/ laminectomies and osteotomies @L2L3, L3L4
      Dr. Kim Hammerberg, Rush Univ. Medical Center in Chicago

      Corrected to 15°
      CMT (type 2) DX in 2014, progressing
      10/2018 x-rays - spondylolisthesis at L4/L5 - Dr. DeWald is monitoring

      Click to view my pics: pics of scoli x-rays digital x-rays, and pics of me


      • #4
        Skimmed through the 100 or so pages of the complaint that was filed. I suspect a dismissal motion is being drafted as I type. Should be interesting to see if they get around the statute of limitations. Not sure why they waited 7 years if, as the atty is quoted in the Daily News claims, adverse symptoms were evident immediately after surgery. Something (maybe a lot of things) don't sit right. Should be interesting to See how it plays out.



        • #5
          Just as an aside, has anybody heard of this before?

          "After Flanders developed scoliosis from a polio vaccine at age 1..." From the article. I've never heard of that before.
          Surgery March 3, 2009 at almost 58, now 63.
          Dr. Askin, Brisbane, Australia
          T4-Pelvis, Posterior only
          Osteotomies and Laminectomies
          Was 68 degrees, now 22 and pain free


          • #6
            Despite informed consent, some people feel the need to blame someone. Lawsuits over spine surgery are incredibly common, but I don't have a clue how successful they are.
            Never argue with an idiot. They always drag you down to their level, and then they beat you with experience. --Twain
            Surgery 2/10/93 A/P fusion T4-L3
            Surgery 1/20/11 A/P fusion L2-sacrum w/pelvic fixation


            • #7
              Susie Bee...thanks for doing the link.

              i just reread the article...
              i do not know if the law suit has merit...or if Dr Boachie should
              have accepted the young woman as his patient...
              but media can spin things to make them sound shady when they
              are not....anyone who knew Dr Boachie knew he was planning
              retirement and would go back to Ghana...
              but to the public who did not know of him, it makes it sound
              suspicious that "he left his practice and returned to his native
              Ghana" or however they exactly phrased it.

              i never heard that thing about scoliosis from polio vaccine either...

              Last edited by jrnyc; 12-04-2014, 08:24 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rise View Post
                Skimmed through the 100 or so pages of the complaint that was filed. I suspect a dismissal motion is being drafted as I type. Should be interesting to see if they get around the statute of limitations. Not sure why they waited 7 years if, as the atty is quoted in the Daily News claims, adverse symptoms were evident immediately after surgery. Something (maybe a lot of things) don't sit right. Should be interesting to See how it plays out.

                Rise, how did you access the complaint? Susan
                Adult Onset Degen Scoliosis @65, 25* T & 36* L w/ 11.2 cm coronal balance; T kyphosis 90*; Sev disc degen T & L stenosis

                2013: T3- S1 Fusion w/ ALIF L4-S1/XLIF L2-4, PSF T4-S1 2 surgeries
                2014: Hernia @ ALIF repaired; Emergency screw removal SCI T4,5 sec to PJK
                2015: Rev Broken Bil T & L rods and no fusion: 2 revision surgeries; hardware P. Acnes infection
                2016: Ant/Lat Lumbar diskectomy w/ 4 cages + BMP + harvested bone
                2018: Removal L4,5 screw
                2021: Removal T1 screw & rod


                • #9
                  I feel very, very sorry for this poor young girl. Paralysis and blindness are two rare complications that can happen with Scoliosis surgery. We are all warned about them before the surgery, but it is always shocking to read about it actually happening. I hope very much that she gets some money from the hospital if it is warranted to help her through life being so severely disabled. And, if it is warranted, from the surgeon's malpractice insurance as well.


                  • #10
                    Surgeons take patients as they come. This poor girl had many medical issues BEFORE the surgery. The open issue might be should anyone have operated on this girl or could anyone have gotten a good outcome.

                    How sad would it be if there was a 10% or 20% chance surgery could help her and no surgeon would try to help for fear of a law suit when the odds were high that it would go south?

                    I am sure Boachie made clear the risks and that this will go nowhere.

                    It is all very sad. Life is unfair.
                    Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

                    No island of sanity.

                    Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
                    Answer: Medicine

                    "We are all African."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by susancook View Post
                      Rise, how did you access the complaint? Susan
                      Hi Susan,

                      NY is quickly becoming an "efile" state and most matters are now required to be commenced electronically. I pulled up a copy of the filing on NY's court efiling website.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rise View Post
                        Hi Susan,

                        NY is quickly becoming an "efile" state and most matters are now required to be commenced electronically. I pulled up a copy of the filing on NY's court efiling website.

                        I need someone like you to help me to navigate the Internet! I am imaging that you are much younger than I am ;+} .

                        Re: the lawsuit, there are so many individual patient variables that can affect an outcome. I hope that the young lady improves with time.

                        Adult Onset Degen Scoliosis @65, 25* T & 36* L w/ 11.2 cm coronal balance; T kyphosis 90*; Sev disc degen T & L stenosis

                        2013: T3- S1 Fusion w/ ALIF L4-S1/XLIF L2-4, PSF T4-S1 2 surgeries
                        2014: Hernia @ ALIF repaired; Emergency screw removal SCI T4,5 sec to PJK
                        2015: Rev Broken Bil T & L rods and no fusion: 2 revision surgeries; hardware P. Acnes infection
                        2016: Ant/Lat Lumbar diskectomy w/ 4 cages + BMP + harvested bone
                        2018: Removal L4,5 screw
                        2021: Removal T1 screw & rod


                        • #13

                          I'm not that young - turning 50 in a few short weeks! I guess I chose my 50th year to bite the bullet and "have some work done :-)". The upside so far for me is gaining some lost height and losing several inches in my newly reclaimed waist. That and being able to walk pain free. So far I consider myself very lucky. I know how wrong things can go and I so admire your strength and humor.

                          I am a novice at all things computer based. I'm fortunate to be able to tap into the younger more computer literate attys at my firm when I hit a roadblock.

                          I did do a quick search of old forum posts and I think that the plaintiff's mother in this new case against Dr. Boachie (and many others named in the suit including Dr. Cunningham) posted around the time of the surgery. If it was her, she was concerned about insurance coverage and fees. High risk factors were mentioned. As I said, the timing of this suit and some other factors kind of jump out for me.

                          Anyway, enjoy Puerta Vallarta! My husband and honeymooned there many years ago. It's a beautiful spot!


