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Rehabilitation of adolescent patients with scoliosis—what do we know?

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  • #46
    Mamamax, I believe Hans Weiss didn't fully appreciate the cultural differences between Germany and the US/UK. They are a lot freer about their bodies in Continental Europe and in several countries can start sexual relationships very early on (if with someone of around the same age).

    Braces are typically worn here by very young girls until they are deemed to have stopped growing, which is usually around two years after the onset of menses. For most girls this would be by the age of 16. It therefore appears to us that Hans Weiss, a guy in his 30s (in those videos), is singing about how young girls of 15 and below should feel sexy. In the US and UK, that's really not acceptable. I don't know about the US, but in the UK the "Age of Consent" is 16 and we view adults who consider younger girls to be sexy in a very dim light.

    He even shows himself biting the leg of one young girl, and it is really very difficult for someone in the US or UK to understand why he would do that. It's a very sexual image, but again, he's in his 30s and the girl is very young. Naturally to US or UK eyes, that appears "creepy". Maybe in Germany adult men go around biting the legs of young girls all the time though? It is difficult for me to get my head around, and I am at a loss. I don't think that image is acceptable at all and to my English eyes it makes him look like a sexual predator because it appears that he finds such young girls in braces sexy.

    I'm sure that he made the videos with good intentions, but I think that Hans Weiss made a great error of judgement in making them available to the entire world, and that the reaction he got was natural and completely unsurprising, especially given that a lot of people here are the parents of young girls.


    • #47
      False Accusation

      jrnyc - If I have to point out the Flying Monkeys ... then my message is lost.

      tonibuny - Maybe Hans did not appreciate the cultural differences. If so, then something has been learned. Seems we are all constantly learning new things. If we are not learning, then maybe we are not living. Errors in judgment can be the best teachers - I don't know anyone who has never made an error, especially when trying new things.

      Speaking of cultural differences, I correspond with a woman in Germany who is in her 20's and bracing under the guidance of someone taught by Dr. Weiss. So maybe bracing in Germany is not always halted at skeletal maturity. Her results have been amazing. It is possible we have much to learn from Dr. Weiss, that would be to our benefit.

      The movie was done more as a spoof - than as some serious cultural message. The Schroth-mom upthread - no doubt her comments have been echoed around the world. So in context of the Clinic, and its setting ... it was no more than a upbeat motivational tool. This video does not a Roman Polanski make. I think it is a pity that it has been largely misunderstood and completely blown out of proportion. Truth is, one can see it from many perspectives - the choice is individual.

      I agree with you, I am sure the videos were made with good intentions. I would go further and say they are innocent in the context from where they came.

      I've been thinking about Dr. Weiss .... what a high energy man this must be. Looking at the publishing of books etc., that he has done - the clinical hours and research - private practice - a family to take care of .... and .... artistic talent which borders on the high end of amateur, oh - and yes, the equestrian thing. Pretty amazing. How does he find time for all this? Well, I guess, he makes the time - just another admirable attribute.

      False accusation - is an evil thing. The evidence here his highly circumstantial. Let us not falsely accuse this man .... he, and his family - have given more to this world in the area of scoliosis rehabilitation than any in the history prior to the last three generations. The contributions serve both those seeking to improve the quality of their lives, as well as those for whom surgery has failed (in certain circumstances where pain remains an issue).

      A few nights ago, I cleared my head of all this chatter ... and watched Scoliosis Girls from the perspective of a patient in the Clinic. I would have come to this clinic looking for a way to become more normal. At age 11 when I was diagnosed, by age 12 I had accepted that there was something wrong with me, I was different (in my mind), and not as good as my peers. From this perspective, the video made me smile, and even laugh - and for a moment, my deformity meant nothing, and carried no sadness. That is the message of this video - for those watching with a clear head.

      In the end - all the false accusation has been - Much to do about: nothing. Judgment of wrong doing has been made in haste, and the judgment is faulty. And when a man (or woman) has been falsely accused - apology is due, as it is in this case - to both the man, his patients, and his family.


      • #48
        your message is lost because of how wrong and misguided it is...i know quite well who your flying monkeys are SUPPOSED to be...but i ain't a flying monkey, and neither are the others who find your doctor's videos disgustingly wrong!

        i think thee dost protest too much!! and at such length! on..and on....and on...and on...and on...and on...if anyone wanted to look up your dr weiss, they could do it without your misguided help.



        • #49
          Serious errors of judgement are not something I want to see my doctor making though, especially not in public

          I found the videos amusing and also shocking; I couldn't believe he'd shot himself in the foot so massively. He certainly has a talent for writing a catchy hook, but music, horseriding and other activities like that don't make him a better medical doctor. Do I think he's any kind of pervert? Absolutely not. Do I think he's given the impression that he's quite dodgy because he's an adult who sings about young girls in braces being sexy and bites the leg of one of them? Yes, obviously he has. It's understandable that people here are quite outraged by that, and that some will think he's a pervert.

          He's been a bit dim, but I'm sure he'll have learnt from this. I've dealt with him before and he comes across as a decent, committed individual - whatever I think of his methods.


          • #50
            "we are not bad people...but sometimes behave badly"!! is that how you try to excuse dr weiss...?

            those who have such a distaste in their mouths at viewing dr weiss' videos are not bad people and are not doing bad things...they are speaking out about what is wrong!

            a "brace" is NOT a "lover"...and that foot biting thing???!!!.....
            my husband is a musician...he laughed when mamamax called weiss "talented", "genius", and when she referred to what he can do as "music"!!



            • #51
              Originally posted by jrnyc View Post
              "we are not bad people...but sometimes behave badly"!! is that how you try to excuse dr weiss...?

              those who have such a distaste in their mouths at viewing dr weiss' videos are not bad people and are not doing bad things...they are speaking out about what is wrong!

              a "brace" is NOT a "lover"...and that foot biting thing???!!!.....
              my husband is a musician...he laughed when mamamax called weiss "talented", "genius", and when she referred to what he can do as "music"!!

              Defamation of character is bad behavior by any standard.

              I suggest you Google it in regards to on line postings.

              You know Jess - I'm not interested in exchanging insults with you.

              If you don't like what I post, you are invited not to read and not respond.


              • #52
                Originally posted by tonibunny View Post
                Serious errors of judgement are not something I want to see my doctor making though, especially not in public
                Agree with that Toni. To my knowledge, Dr. Weiss has not made serious errors of judgment in regards to his patients. If he had, seems like we would have heard about that by now.

                I found the videos amusing and also shocking; I couldn't believe he'd shot himself in the foot so massively. He certainly has a talent for writing a catchy hook, but music, horseriding and other activities like that don't make him a better medical doctor. Do I think he's any kind of pervert? Absolutely not. Do I think he's given the impression that he's quite dodgy because he's an adult who sings about young girls in braces being sexy and bites the leg of one of them? Yes, obviously he has. It's understandable that people here are quite outraged by that, and that some will think he's a pervert.

                He's been a bit dim, but I'm sure he'll have learnt from this. I've dealt with him before and he comes across as a decent, committed individual - whatever I think of his methods.
                Now you see? This is a reason-based response, void of character assassination. That's what I like about you Toni - your take on things is often like a breath of fresh air. I don't know why it is so hard for some others to communicate more like this. Thank you for your level headed comments with a bit of British humor. Can we talk you into giving communication courses over here? :-)


                • #53
                  and you are welcome to NOT read what I post as well!

                  are you now in charge of who reads what on this forum...must be news to Linda! have you informed her that you are now in charge?

                  you are the ONLY one hurling insults...names like "flying monkeys." and comments about the judgement of those on forum, rather than looking at your almighty doctor's judgement!

                  if you dont like what i post, then you dont have to read ditto to you!

                  you are the one seeing are taking on dr weiss as yourself, for some have confused criticism of his lack of professional behavior and bad judgement as criticism of you...

                  you post his supposed "writings" that he may have participated in as if we need to see some kind of proof of something...again i will say...someone doth protest too much!!



                  • #54
                    Originally posted by jrnyc View Post
                    and you are welcome to NOT read what I post as well!

                    are you now in charge of who reads what on this forum...must be news to Linda! have you informed her that you are now in charge?

                    you are the ONLY one hurling insults...names like "flying monkeys." and comments about the judgement of those on forum, rather than looking at your almighty doctor's judgement!

                    if you dont like what i post, then you dont have to read ditto to you!

                    you are the one seeing are taking on dr weiss as yourself, for some have confused criticism of his lack of professional behavior and bad judgement as criticism of you...

                    you post his supposed "writings" that he may have participated in as if we need to see some kind of proof of something...again i will say...someone doth protest too much!!

                    Actually the thought regarding ignoring posts that bother - came from Pooka1 .. excellent idea.

                    Again I can only say ... literacy is woefully lacking - far more so than the literature. How odd!


                    • #55
                      oh, i think we all know who the "odd" ones on here are...

                      Last edited by jrnyc; 07-30-2010, 07:07 PM.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by jrnyc View Post
                        oh, i think we all know who the "odd" ones on here are...

                        That's a fact :-) Good night Jess - God Bless.


                        • #57
                          that is what you do...insult people and then wish them phony "blessings"?

                          i dont want your fake blessings...and as a licensed clinical social worker, i know exactly who is odd on this thread...of course, we social workers use some other more clinical term for it, but that is good enough for now...if all you can do is throw the word "odd" back at me, your "brilliance" must be slipping!

                          i am going to let your sick need to continuously defend your dear friend dr are who you associate with, after all..go on and on without my attention...
                          i am finished with your constant need to justify, rationalize, excuse, and twist the truth...

                          so i wont waste my time with this can keep trying to demonstrate your...DEEP, superior brilliance... to others.

                          Last edited by jrnyc; 07-30-2010, 11:38 PM.


                          • #58
                            Jess if you don't like my postings - use the ignore feature - it works well .. use it myself from time to time. And may again use it soon ;-)


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by SUSANNA FREDERI View Post
                              To all Moms who are trashing Dr. Weiss' name.

                              My daughter has been his patient for 3 years. We visit him twice a year for her therapy and bracing. I know many girls from other countries who are his patients. Dr. Weiss never touched any of them inappropriately. We watched those videos and laughed because they were funny. And you, ladies, happen to lack a sense of humor.
                              Thanks to Dr. Weiss our children are getting well without having a surgery!
                              That is what you should be talking about.
                              We were in Germany last month and we witnessed doctors from all over the world visiting Dr. Weiss in order to learn his method. American doctors should follow them!
                              Dear Susanna - Just wanted to thank you again for posting. I am hoping that once the psychotic hoopla dies down over these innocent and highly misunderstood videos, that further discussion regarding Schroth and the Best Practice method may continue. You could help us learn much. The more I read about this work - the more (as a patient) I feel a good method has been withheld from this side of the hemisphere :-) Truthfully, Schroth could have been introduced prior to the year of my birth (1949) if the technology of today had existed then. It sounds like your daughter has been helped much - congratulations & may the road ahead be one of continued success.


                              • #60
                                I just came back to NSF after quite a while. What do I find, yep got it in one. If any one makes a comment Mamamax you just have to go on and on and on.,

                                Ever since you joined NSF it has been the same. I think it has become your new hobby, no wonder so many people I see aren't here any more. I am not being nasty either just stating a sad fact. This used to be such an encouragement to everyone, but now it has you all over it with your NEVER EVER WRONG ideas.

                                You have nasty shots at Linda who is a sweety and tried to help me and who I certainly dont' have to defend.
                                If you cannot see that those videos are offensive, I pity you.

                                Please let this forum get back to what all of us want it to be. For it to be an encouragement to the young, for it to be a place for people in pain to turn to and be understood, for the young to read and understand what the past held and what the future now holds for them as far as hearing it from people who are being operated on etc. For adults like myself to read about other people in the same predicament. This thread is or was a really worth while one, by that I mean the name of, it but it has as usual been turned into campaign poster for you.

                                If we don't know your opinion of everything by now we never will, now please ease off and let this get back to what it used to be. I would suggest you read all yours posts mamamax and you may even agree with me.
                                Jess I get you honey I really do.

                                Operated on in 1966, harrington rods inserted from T4 to L3, here in Australia. Fusion of the said vertebrae as well. Problems for the last 14 years with pain.
                                Something I feel deeply,"Life is like money,you can spend it anyway you wish, but can only spend it once.

