I know some of you can relate.......I am sooo tired of being in pain. I just keep hoping for some miracle..to I wake up one day and not hurt. I am 3 months post op with my 3rd set of rods and 6th surgery in 10 years. I just feel so hopeless sometimes. My latest issue is really bad sciatica as well as soarness in my left mid back/ribs and shoulders/neck and headaches. Just moved to a new state and will see my new pain specialist next week. I wish there was a non narcotic pill that would just take the pain away and let me live a normal daily life. (nuerontin does not work at all or injections or ultram) Does anyone have any other suggestions? Sorry to whine...I'm just sooooo tired.
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Hi ldwest,
I wish I could offer you some help. All I can offer is understanding as I am still in pain after being two years post-op. I'm no where near as bad as I was before I had the surgery and I am thankful for that, but some pain every day can really drag you down, especially in the wintertime. I do get some relief from Neurontin and am getting a little relief from a nerve block, but not what I was hoping. How long did you try the Neurontin? Are you able to be active? I find I feel much better on days that I am very active. I know it is hard when you have sciatica. I hope you can get some relief from the new pain clinic. Some are definitely better than others.
My best wishes to you. SallyDiagnosed with severe lumbar scoliosis at age 65.
Posterior Fusion L2-S1 on 12/4/2007. age 67
Anterior Fusion L3-L4,L4-L5,L5-S1 on 12/19/2007
Additional bone removed to decompress right side of L3-L4 & L4-L5 on 4/19/2010
New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, MA
Dr. Frank F. Rands735.photobucket.com/albums/ww360/butterflyfive/
"In God We Trust" Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.
Thank you for the response Sally. I moved from a dry state to a cold wet state and I think the weather is really taking a toll on me. I haven't really been that active lately, it seems to take all I have just to take care of daily activities in the house and my kids. I am hoping by this summer between the warm weather and being further along in my recovery from this last surgery things will get better. As for the nuerontin I took it for a few months and it did not help at all I also had side effects. I also tried cymbalta and my blood pressure went through the roof I had to go on bp medicine for a few months until we figured out that was what caused it.
I do stand alot taller and walk easier since my last surgery so I am thankful...the pain just gets the best of me sometimes(alot of times). Again thanks for taking the time to respond. It's nice to know there are people who understand what it is like to live with daily pain.
Hi ldwest
i am so sorry that you have had so many surgeries & so much pain! i hope the summer brings more healing & better health...
i cant walk anymore...half a block is too much....the pain is always there & the ache spreads into my hips..not sure if that is from degenerative disc or the scoli...have not had surgery...yet...am consulting with dr anand in CA jan 27th..to see what he has to say about minimal invasive...which all other surgeons tell me i dont qualify for...consult only, as he doesnt take my insurance...
i get a little relief from injections...facet block & sacroiliac next monday...plus strong pain meds..that is just to function...i retired from 2 jobs that i loved in nyc...too much pain...i am putting off the surgery cause i am not in a hurry to be fused to the pelvis...
wishing you relief from the pain..i know how it can just wear you down to a weak mess....weak, helpless, feeling hopeless...i hope you can find a way to get out from under it long enuf to just get a little respite..that's about all i can get from the injections...sometimes that is just enuf...
Thank you Jess. I could barely walk before my last surgery due to kyphoscoliosis and severe sagital imbalance. I said if I could only walk better everything would be ok. I DO walk better and am very greatful for that. I DO NOT regret the surgery. But I told my husband...now I am straighter and walk better but still hurt... like a rusty nail with a fresh coat of paint . On top of it I feel guilty to complain because I can walk now(execpt for a slight limp due to pain in my right bum). I read where it take some people over a year to make a full recovery maybe I am a slow healer with this one.
As for surgery only you can decide when you just can't take anymore...if or when you decide to do it I pray that you have great results and can walk again.....blessing and prayers Leah
Hi Leah
Just was wondering if you have been checked for a slight spinal fluid leak? That took me out for sometime before they found it. The rib hurting, did they remove a rib to use for bone graft. I personally know how bad that hurts. I go in Monday as you know for my 13 surgery. This time from C1 to my tailbone. At least while they are that low they will open the channel for my sciatica this time. Wish I had an answer on the pain for you. I am going to a new pain management doctor after this one. If they come up with something that works I will pass it on. You do the same.
My Best, Jess (BackTalk)March 23, 2006 Anterior/posterior Ileum-T2
15 1/2 Hours
Dr. Tom Lowe R.I.P.
Some of the pain can be from nerve irritation. When they do surgery, they move your vertabrea and that changes the opening/space around the nerves. I have had nerve blocks done and then went on to have ablations done where they burn the nerves to stop them from working for a while. That is the only way I can get relief.T12- L5 fusion 1975 - Rochester, NY
2002 removal of bottom of rod and extra fusion
3/1/11 C5-C6 disc replacement
Daughter - T7 - L3 fusion 2004
I went to my new scoli doc last week. He said I just need more time to heal..I'm sure he's right. I go to my new pain doc. tomorrow. I'm still having trouble with my sciatic nerve. I have never had it last this long. I'm gonna see if he will give me a medrol dose pack. That has worked in the past. I really hope it works because if it doesn't I am really worried this is a permanent side effect form my surgery 3 months ago.
I tend to agree with your doc. I had sciatica to a degree post surgery and was put on Neurontin for it until my pain doc found out I was already on Topamax for migraines so he took off the Neurontin and upped the Topamax since they are both anticonvulsants. Helped me so much! I have to say I rarely am bothered by it anymore. But it is a very gradual process over time. Give yourself more time. A very wise person on this forum told me the story of the turtle and the hare. Maybe you are a turtle like me ;-))May 2008 Fusion T4 - S1, Pre-op Curves T45, L70 (age 48). Unsuccessful surgery.
March 18, 2010 (age 50). Revision with L3 Osteotomy, Replacement of hardware T11 - S1 , addition of bilateral pelvic fixation. Correction of sagittal imbalance and kyphosis.
January 24, 2012 (age 52) Revision to repair pseudoarthrosis and 2 broken rods at L3/L4.