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Home from third op

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  • Home from third op

    Hi all,

    I hope you are all well. I thought I'd update you on my latest surgery.

    I have now been home for a week following my posterior op due to my anterior surgery not fusing correctly. They were originally going to just re do the fusion, but discovered that my kyphosis had rapidly increased since January and so increased the length of my correction. I am now fused from T2 to T12. (As soon as I get hold of a copy of my xrays in November I will post a pic).

    The surgery went really well. I didn't need a chest drain this time which was a big relief. I had the surgery on the Monday and came home on the Saturday so I wasn't even in for a week which suprised me as I was in for over two weeks last time round!

    As I said I have been home for a week now and am feeling ok. I am a lot better than I was after my anterior surgery last year. I am still in massive pain, but getting on with things as we all are used to doing! My surgeon has advised me to take it especially easy this time round to increase the chances of the fusion taking so I'm being very careful not to overdo it. Believe me, there is no way I want to go through this again!

    Take care,

    Love Karen xx
    Anterior surgery 18th Jan 07
    Fused from T8 to T12 with 2 ribs removed
    Surgery was done by Mr Harrison and his team at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, England
    Revision posterior surgery on 26th April 07 to remove protruding rib stumps
    No longer wearing a Stanmore custom hard backed brace
    Posterior surgery on 18th August 08 due to non fusion of first op and further kyphosis. Two rods from T2 to T12

  • #2
    Hi Karen,

    I don't think I've read any posts from you before sorry, but just wanted to say I'm glad to hear things went well I hope your recovery is smooth & fast - till then, keep up those pain meds!

    Feeling better soon, & take care.


    • #3

      It's so good to hear from you! I'd been wondering how you were doing-- and if things were going ok... it sounds like they are, and that this time around should be "it" for the surgeries. You've been through so much!

      Rest up and take good care of yourself. Eat healthily and do your walking-- they are important for your healing too. Are you still making plans for next May? Or did you have to change the date? Keep us posted on how everythiing is going. I'm soooo glad you posted. Big hugs, Susie
      71 and plugging along... but having some problems
      2007 52° w/ severe lumbar stenosis & L2L3 lateral listhesis (side shift)
      5/4/07 posterior fusion T2-L4 w/ laminectomies and osteotomies @L2L3, L3L4
      Dr. Kim Hammerberg, Rush Univ. Medical Center in Chicago

      Corrected to 15°
      CMT (type 2) DX in 2014, progressing
      10/2018 x-rays - spondylolisthesis at L4/L5 - Dr. DeWald is monitoring

      Click to view my pics: pics of scoli x-rays digital x-rays, and pics of me


      • #4
        Hi Karen - sounds like good news for you at last!

        Yes, take it really easy this time and hopefully this will be your last surgery. Are with Mr Harrison at Stanmore? That's who I'm with, but still waiting for a surgery date.......

        All best wishes to you. xx


        • #5
          Dear Karen,

          You've been through SO MUCH, but you have managed to keep a great attitude! I'm glad you managed to get out of the hospital EARLIER than you expected.

          Hoping that things continue to progress . . .

          Ginger Woolley

          Oct 2018, L3 - S1, Anterior & Posterior, Dr Sigurd Berven, UCSF, San Francisco
          May 2008, T4 - L3, Dr. Ohenaba Boachie, Hospital for Special Surgery, NYC
          Sept 1967, T4 - T 11, without instrumentation, Dr Thomas Brown, Stanford

