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Harrington Rod Do Over-First Time Post

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  • Harrington Rod Do Over-First Time Post

    Hello all, this will be a lengthy post, but I am so blessed to be able to find others that have gone through what I have been going through.

    I am a 44 year old single mother who had harrington rod spinal fusion with drummond buttons in 1977 in the thoraic region to the L4. In 1986, had again in the lumbar region to the L4-5 and L5-S1 with asymmetric disc space collapse noted to the right at L4-5. In summer of 2005 I started having sciatic nerve pain and sought the services of a chiropractor. After about 3 months of treatment, I was involved in a rear end collision in Oct 2005. While going through diagnostic treatments, through an MRI a syrinx was discovered in the thoraic region. As the pain continued to develop I tried to just grin and bear it, but lately I have not been able to work a straight week, I am a human resources specialist, and my job is beginning to look at me as a leave abuser because I don't show the great excrutiating pain, but try to grin and bear it. Well due to the need to provide more extensive documentation (my original orthopedic surgeon retired 4 years ago) I sought help from several well know doctors in the DC-Baltimore region, they went through many conservative approaches, epidural injections, etc., but nothing seemed to help with the pain. Well about 2 months ago, I attended a spine and back pain seminar and the doctors there discussed many patients with spinal fusions much like mine. So I made an appointment with one of them and I've had a CT Myleogram, which, while not painful, was scary because I didn't have an epidural because I didn't want anyone sticking things in my back. I have now been scheduled for a discogram, again, not looking forward to it, but we're moving. As a result of the CT results the surgeon has stated that he doesn't think we have to do total rod removal (which was his first instinct) because the thoraic looks solid. He is talking about possibly lenthening the lower rod and fusing.

    I'm wondering what will my flexibility be after this surgery. Have others had this, what type of exercise or treatments would you recommend post op and the doctor has also diagnosd flat back syndrome.

    I appreciate all of you and the great advice and guidance any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the length, but I appreciate having everyone going through the same thing.

  • #2
    I was originally fused to L5 and the doctor thought that a car accident might have moved the bottom of my rod causing my fusion to grow. It fused my L5 -S1 on its own. I had terrible pain down the back of my left leg and my toes itched real bad. I had to have some of the extra fusion removed as it was pressing on my nerves. My original doctor had long since retired and I had trouble getting a diagnosis of other problems until I went to a doctor that deals with adult scoliosis and the aging spine. There are other treatments they can do without further surgery depending on which region is causing the problems.
    As for exercising, I go to a therapy pool. It is the only place I can exercise. The water takes the strain off the spine while strengthening the muscles.
    T12- L5 fusion 1975 - Rochester, NY
    2002 removal of bottom of rod and extra fusion
    3/1/11 C5-C6 disc replacement
    Daughter - T7 - L3 fusion 2004


    • #3
      thanks Rainbow, after the discogram next Friday will have a better idea of the exact region of the pain. That is interesting that you were actually able to have someone tell you that the accident may have caused it, I had been unable to get someone to actually say that, maybe because there was a pending lawsuit. I'll evaluate everything again once result of the discogram are known. thanks for your reply. I'll keep you posted.


      • #4
        I had the problem of not being able to get my original post-op xrays to prove it for certain. If I had, I would have had a nice big lawsuit settlement. I have current xrays now and I got a set of post-op xrays for my daughter just in case.(I have a big stack of xrays, ct scans and an mri put away in case of another accident.) If you can get a set of your post-op xrays, a scoliosis doctor could tell you if there has been change. You might still be able to get a set from your 1986 surgery. Good luck
        T12- L5 fusion 1975 - Rochester, NY
        2002 removal of bottom of rod and extra fusion
        3/1/11 C5-C6 disc replacement
        Daughter - T7 - L3 fusion 2004


        • #5

          Sadly, your situation is not all that uncommon amongst the flatback community... meaning those that had the HR placed many years ago. I would hazard a guess that the pain and symptoms that you describe are as likely in a flatback diagnosis as in a rear end fact, what you describe pain wise is pretty much what brought me to my flatback diagnosis (and ultimately good surgical outcome).

          My recommendation would be to get yourself evaluated by more than one doctor who specializes in adult deformity and has a good solid track record with revising patients like yourself.

          I co-moderate another group that deals primarily with flatback and revision topics. I can't tell from your moniker if you are already a member, but if not you may want to ask a few questions there. We have a number of members from the Baltimore area. I think they generally have sought the services of doctors in NYC, and in you local area with DrLaureman and GWUniv.Hosp.

          Here is the group address:

          Good luck in your search for answers.

          Take Care, Cam

