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  • #61
    This makes the ninth spine surgery. It has to be the last.
    T10-pelvis fusion 12/08
    C5,6,7 fusion 9/10
    T2--T10 fusion 2/11
    C 4-5 fusion 11/14
    Right scapulectomy 6/15
    Right pectoralis major muscle transfer to scapula
    To replace the action of Serratus Anterior muscle 3/16
    Broken neck 9/28/2018
    Emergency surgery posterior fusion C4- T3
    Repeated 11/2018 because rods pulled apart added T2 fusion
    Removal of partial right thoracic hardware 1/2020
    Removal and replacement of C4-T10 hardware with C7 and T 1


    • #62
      Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
      This makes the ninth spine surgery. It has to be the last.
      How many different doctors performed your surgeries?

      Do you regret that you originally decided to have surgery? Do you feel that one surgery led to the next? Or was surgery inevitable?

      You must be home now. How does it feel?


      • #63
        I just came home yesterday. It is okay, I am extremely tired but can do small things. This surgery was for a nonunion in the thoracic and my broken neck. At least the pain in the thoracic is under control and my head is in a better position.
        Do I wish it was different, the answer is yes. Every part of me wishes the car accident never happened. The broken neck made everything more difficult.
        Originally I had an orthopedic spine surgeon and scoliosis specialist. These last surgeries have been done by a neurosurgeon. One did 3 of them and one did this last one. This last surgeon is a deformity specialist at a major hospital in Chicago. These neurosurgeons are in the same office.
        This has to be the last. The surgeon said all of the hardware in the cervical was loose.
        T10-pelvis fusion 12/08
        C5,6,7 fusion 9/10
        T2--T10 fusion 2/11
        C 4-5 fusion 11/14
        Right scapulectomy 6/15
        Right pectoralis major muscle transfer to scapula
        To replace the action of Serratus Anterior muscle 3/16
        Broken neck 9/28/2018
        Emergency surgery posterior fusion C4- T3
        Repeated 11/2018 because rods pulled apart added T2 fusion
        Removal of partial right thoracic hardware 1/2020
        Removal and replacement of C4-T10 hardware with C7 and T 1


        • #64
          I'm still in the early recovering process. It has been full of hard days and better days. The most pain is at the osteotomy site and my right hand. I wish the right hand thing would get better. It can really throw a wench into doing much. I am doing my walking and that is improving. It is getting cold here so that will influence the outdoor walking.
          I was able to get more information on the surgery. All hardware in the cervical was loose. An osteotomy was performed at the c7-t1 level. All hardware was removed to the t-11 level. Then it was replaced C-3- T11. T12 to pelvis was left as is. I will find out when I see the surgeon how the new and exciting hardware joined. I do hope to get a copy of the xrays. I see him Dec 14.
          I am certainly more upright and learning this new balance.
          It can only get better
          T10-pelvis fusion 12/08
          C5,6,7 fusion 9/10
          T2--T10 fusion 2/11
          C 4-5 fusion 11/14
          Right scapulectomy 6/15
          Right pectoralis major muscle transfer to scapula
          To replace the action of Serratus Anterior muscle 3/16
          Broken neck 9/28/2018
          Emergency surgery posterior fusion C4- T3
          Repeated 11/2018 because rods pulled apart added T2 fusion
          Removal of partial right thoracic hardware 1/2020
          Removal and replacement of C4-T10 hardware with C7 and T 1


          • #65
            Jackie, Give the right hand some will get better.

            With your radical 30 degree T1 osteotomy, who need x-rays? Show us a photo from the side looking straight ahead (up high, mid back to top of head)

            A photo with you balancing a soccer ball on the top of your head would be better. (smiley face) see other thread.

            49 yr old male, now 63, the new 64...
            Pre surgery curves T70,L70
            ALIF/PSA T2-Pelvis 01/29/08, 01/31/08 7" pelvic anchors BMP
            Dr Brett Menmuir St Marys Hospital Reno,Nevada

            Bending and twisting pics after full fusion

            My x-rays



            • #66
              Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
              I'm still in the early recovering process. It has been full of hard days and better days. The most pain is at the osteotomy site and my right hand. I wish the right hand thing would get better. It can really throw a wench into doing much. I am doing my walking and that is improving. It is getting cold here so that will influence the outdoor walking.
              I was able to get more information on the surgery. All hardware in the cervical was loose. An osteotomy was performed at the c7-t1 level. All hardware was removed to the t-11 level. Then it was replaced C-3- T11. T12 to pelvis was left as is. I will find out when I see the surgeon how the new and exciting hardware joined. I do hope to get a copy of the xrays. I see him Dec 14.
              I am certainly more upright and learning this new balance.
              It can only get better
              Outdoor walking in winter is tough and you have to steel yourself to it. Keep warm but don't sweat, cover up the face. I've been walking around in my driveway all seasons because my surgeon prescribed walking as the only exercise. We get the sun in our favor and the pavement usually melts soon after a snowstorm. You may not want to walk in the cold fresh out of surgery, however. And the footing must be secure.


              • #67
                It is very interesting why some adults do so well and others have a history of problems.
                As I continue to heal from this last surgery on October 30, I know I have a long road ahead because it takes so long.
                I have more information from my cbart, exploration of c-4-pelvis fusion, Ponte osteotomy C-7, pedicle subtraction osteotomy, t-1 ( three column osteotomy), removal of hardware and reinsertion of bilateral C-4 to T-11.With autograft,allograft and rhBNP-2. Correction of kyphosis.
                I guess that spells it out, that it will take at least a year.
                This doesn't even address the shoulder blade and can the position of that be causing the right hand pain.
                I see the surgeon on Dec 14. We will see from there.
                T10-pelvis fusion 12/08
                C5,6,7 fusion 9/10
                T2--T10 fusion 2/11
                C 4-5 fusion 11/14
                Right scapulectomy 6/15
                Right pectoralis major muscle transfer to scapula
                To replace the action of Serratus Anterior muscle 3/16
                Broken neck 9/28/2018
                Emergency surgery posterior fusion C4- T3
                Repeated 11/2018 because rods pulled apart added T2 fusion
                Removal of partial right thoracic hardware 1/2020
                Removal and replacement of C4-T10 hardware with C7 and T 1


                • #68
                  Denis classification of spine ( Dr Francis Denis )

                  Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
                  Ponte osteotomy C-7, pedicle subtraction osteotomy, t-1 ( three column osteotomy)
                  What is a column?

                  Three column osteotomy is mentioned and the Denis classification is dividing the spine vertically into 3 zones or columns. Anterior, Middle, and Posterior.


                  Osteotomy techniques

                  Dr Chang talks about 3-Column Osteotomies

                  I wonder if they used BMP for your osteotomies?....My hunch is that they probably did. I would ask. The BMP would be Medtronics Infuse kits. Its a liquid and acts as a catalyst in growing or fusing bone.

                  Jackie, I think you understand all the rest. If not, let me know.

                  Osteotomies are radical kyphotic correction procedures....High risk, high reward. Looks like you had a Ponte at T7, and the PSO at T1. The PSO Pedicle subtraction osteotomy is the one that takes all 3 columns to make it work. Its the big wedge cut.

                  Hope this helps. I hope the aching at the osteotomy isn't too bad. Its probably going to take a few months for this pain to resolve....Use the hot water shower at the base of your neck for relief.

                  Last edited by titaniumed; 12-05-2020, 12:52 AM.
                  49 yr old male, now 63, the new 64...
                  Pre surgery curves T70,L70
                  ALIF/PSA T2-Pelvis 01/29/08, 01/31/08 7" pelvic anchors BMP
                  Dr Brett Menmuir St Marys Hospital Reno,Nevada

                  Bending and twisting pics after full fusion

                  My x-rays



                  • #69
                    Cervical Anatomy.... Descriptions of pain

                    Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
                    This doesn't even address the shoulder blade and can the position of that be causing the right hand pain.
                    When did the right hand pain start? Was this after the Oct 30th surgery? Or before?

                    You know that describing this hand pain is extremely specific. It needs to be exact when you describe this pain. Each finger points to a different area in the neck.

                    My thumb, index, and middle fingers were 95% numb, my surgeon diagnosed C5/6, and C6/7. We then followed up with cervical MRI and confirmed these disc herniations...I posted those here years ago. I had left side herniations and thus my left arm was affected. If it's the right hand, the nerve problems are in the right side of the affected level. Ring and Pinky fingers are lower levels in the neck.

                    When they examine hands, they will squeeze different areas of the hand. Each finger, and the hand going back into the wrist.

                    You realize that all the soft tissues are still raw and inflamed in your neck. Your still very early. You know how long this takes and getting nerves to settle down takes a LOT of patience....Many times these nerve related pains are on or off. Just like a light switch, with no in between setting. Blood flow is equally important. Cut off blood flow to a nerve and you have problems, that's why we walk, walk and walk.

                    Breathe......In hard, and out hard.

                    Great cervical anatomy article....Scroll down, each level of the neck is discussed.

                    Hang in there

                    49 yr old male, now 63, the new 64...
                    Pre surgery curves T70,L70
                    ALIF/PSA T2-Pelvis 01/29/08, 01/31/08 7" pelvic anchors BMP
                    Dr Brett Menmuir St Marys Hospital Reno,Nevada

                    Bending and twisting pics after full fusion

                    My x-rays



                    • #70
                      Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
                      It is very interesting why some adults do so well and others have a history of problems.
                      It is....There is a plethora of problems that can happen, and not just with spine. And all the systems of the body work together with one another. Sometimes we can have spine pain, and the source of the pain does not necessarily come from the spine. I know this from my kidney and gall stone history. Diagnosis can be easy, or impossible....

                      We have spine problems that house our spinal cord which is part of our CNS....which pretty much runs all the systems. Brain and cord. From a musculoskeletal standpoint, just looking at Diego Maradona balancing and doing things with a soccer ball makes you wonder about nerve synapses, (electrical activity between 2 cells) and their speed. Then I wonder about thought, and process time. I can't think of my ex-girlfriends name,(From yesterday)(its a joke) but the soccer ball kick or kicks seem to come automatically without much thought...You start asking questions and the answers can get involved.

                      Scoliosis houses our highly complex CNS system (or at least part of it), and we have to struggle mentally to accept that we are not so lucky when it comes to spine. Fused or not. Tethered or not. Its reality, and we do the best we can with what we have at any given point during our scoliosis journeys. My battles with depression regarding this take effort, and it does get better as time passes. I think the main thing regarding scoliosis is pain. Learning to live with pain or pains and figuring out why it happens takes a long time....and I stopped with the why me questions a LONG time ago. I don't have much self pity because it's not worth it. There is also no envy whatsoever....I don't envy anyone with a good spine because there is nothing I can do about that. There is nothing we can do about that. When you can't cure your ailment, its best to accept it and move on. Its day by day. It's hard to struggle with heavy pain.

                      For those that have no medical problems, imagine just wanting to get comfortable for just a few minutes. Its constant living with scoliosis. I am talking about the good patients....the patients that have done well. For patients that have not done well, that's a completely different story. Infections, Neuropathic pain, Arachnoditis, ability to function physically, ability to function mentally Etc. create debilitating pains that ARE a lifelong struggle....It takes a lot for us to hang in there, especially as adults.

                      Jackie, here is a song you might remember....

                      Once again, I have to thank my surgeon, surgeons, and of course every scoliosis specialist and scientist in the spine pipeline for their efforts. It means a lot....

                      Linda might have met with Dr Denis at some stage....He passed away in April 2020. RIP.

                      49 yr old male, now 63, the new 64...
                      Pre surgery curves T70,L70
                      ALIF/PSA T2-Pelvis 01/29/08, 01/31/08 7" pelvic anchors BMP
                      Dr Brett Menmuir St Marys Hospital Reno,Nevada

                      Bending and twisting pics after full fusion

                      My x-rays



                      • #71
                        Ed you are always helpful with your knowledge.
                        I know I have to be patient because healing takes so long. I expected the neck and high thoracic pain. And I know that type of work will cause a long healing process.
                        The right hand pain is a problem. I do hope it goes away. It started with the car accident. That pain traveled down the arm to the hand. In the last 2 years the pain lessened but the hand and two fingers had periods of tingling and numbness. I learned not to trust it.
                        Now the pain is back and hopefully I will gain more use of the hand.
                        The occupational therapist is trying to help without causing too much pain.
                        T10-pelvis fusion 12/08
                        C5,6,7 fusion 9/10
                        T2--T10 fusion 2/11
                        C 4-5 fusion 11/14
                        Right scapulectomy 6/15
                        Right pectoralis major muscle transfer to scapula
                        To replace the action of Serratus Anterior muscle 3/16
                        Broken neck 9/28/2018
                        Emergency surgery posterior fusion C4- T3
                        Repeated 11/2018 because rods pulled apart added T2 fusion
                        Removal of partial right thoracic hardware 1/2020
                        Removal and replacement of C4-T10 hardware with C7 and T 1


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
                          The occupational therapist is trying to help without causing too much pain.
                          What are they doing? Have they tried cold on your neck?

                          On my shoulder they used Cyro Compression therapy. A small device with hoses running up to a special shoulder apparatus.

                          If felt good, after 30 minutes of this, the therapist would then start the slow delicate movement process of the arm.

                          I would make my noises....oohh's and aahh' would think I was singing backup in a Doo-Wop group. No She boobie, just the oohh's and aahh's. (smiley face) Give me the microphone!


                          You do realize that nobody really posts testimonials about serious neck and high thoracic osteotomies in kyphosis. Many of the serious kyphosis patients end up with neck trouble. The side x-rays are the most important since this will determine if osteotomy needs to be used for correction. Your posts are valuable in this regard, and also for arachnoditis patients.

                          There was a guy about age 18 who posted here many years ago, he was a serious kyphosis sufferer and a Boachie patient with serious neck problems.....he was in major pain at age 18, and had a lot of trouble sleeping and getting comfortable. I think he went in for surgery, but I don't know what happened to him. It's rare when you see thoracic hardware crossing over T1 going up into the neck. I am up to T2 so I pay attention to this.

                          Puts a new meaning on 18 and life to go....(smug face)

                          49 yr old male, now 63, the new 64...
                          Pre surgery curves T70,L70
                          ALIF/PSA T2-Pelvis 01/29/08, 01/31/08 7" pelvic anchors BMP
                          Dr Brett Menmuir St Marys Hospital Reno,Nevada

                          Bending and twisting pics after full fusion

                          My x-rays



                          • #73
                            I remember the person that posted about the high degree of kyphosis. I am not sure what happened.
                            For me, if we didn't fix this it would have continued to impact so much of my quality of life.
                            Even though my right hand is still a major issue, the change in the kyphosis is huge.
                            The thing that were happening before seem so improved. I was actually chocking on food before, and since surgery I haven't chocked once. I can eat bread with no problems, before I stopped eating bread because of the chocking. Also, it seems that my blood pressure is more stable. The echo cardiogram had showed a problem, but laying on my back for a cardiac stress test showed no problem. I think the heart was being crushed. I did not notice breathing problems.
                            I see my surgeon on Monday and will go over things with him
                            T10-pelvis fusion 12/08
                            C5,6,7 fusion 9/10
                            T2--T10 fusion 2/11
                            C 4-5 fusion 11/14
                            Right scapulectomy 6/15
                            Right pectoralis major muscle transfer to scapula
                            To replace the action of Serratus Anterior muscle 3/16
                            Broken neck 9/28/2018
                            Emergency surgery posterior fusion C4- T3
                            Repeated 11/2018 because rods pulled apart added T2 fusion
                            Removal of partial right thoracic hardware 1/2020
                            Removal and replacement of C4-T10 hardware with C7 and T 1


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
                              It is very interesting why some adults do so well and others have a history of problems.
                              As I continue to heal from this last surgery on October 30, I know I have a long road ahead because it takes so long.
                              I have more information from my cbart, exploration of c-4-pelvis fusion, Ponte osteotomy C-7, pedicle subtraction osteotomy, t-1 ( three column osteotomy), removal of hardware and reinsertion of bilateral C-4 to T-11.With autograft,allograft and rhBNP-2. Correction of kyphosis.
                              I guess that spells it out, that it will take at least a year.
                              This doesn't even address the shoulder blade and can the position of that be causing the right hand pain.
                              I see the surgeon on Dec 14. We will see from there.
                              I keep asking myself this over and over, being one of the ones who looks destined to have problems. I think for me it's just that my skeleton has a lot of other problems from age, although I was OK, even above average, for a long time. Things went to pot all at once. Other people my age have fewer skeletal issues and they probably do better with fusion surgery.

                              We have little choice about surgery, though. The result of no surgery would likely mean continued worsening of our condition.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
                                I remember the person that posted about the high degree of kyphosis. I am not sure what happened.
                                For me, if we didn't fix this it would have continued to impact so much of my quality of life.
                                Even though my right hand is still a major issue, the change in the kyphosis is huge.
                                The thing that were happening before seem so improved. I was actually chocking on food before, and since surgery I haven't chocked once. I can eat bread with no problems, before I stopped eating bread because of the chocking. Also, it seems that my blood pressure is more stable. The echo cardiogram had showed a problem, but laying on my back for a cardiac stress test showed no problem. I think the heart was being crushed. I did not notice breathing problems.
                                I see my surgeon on Monday and will go over things with him
                                When your chin is on your chest, I could see why you were choking. You had no choice on this surgery...Same on your T5 infection.
                                My guess is that they probably wrapped your hardware in antibiotic impregnated cement to control the biofilm. They eradicate deep infections by doing this. See article below. I would ask when you go in.


                                I am surprised they let you wait so long...(with the infection)

                                It's hard to say about blood pressure and cardio when you battle infection, take meds, do extreme surgical procedures, recoveries, and have high pain levels....You have a lot going on right now with healing and your doing great! Pain or acute pain is going to alter your cardio...Meds including Tylenol will increase blood pressure....

                                Let's just say pain changes everything! There is no doubt about that.

                                Have you had any arachnoditis pain attacks lately? Also, how is the scapula? Is that still hanging down?

                                49 yr old male, now 63, the new 64...
                                Pre surgery curves T70,L70
                                ALIF/PSA T2-Pelvis 01/29/08, 01/31/08 7" pelvic anchors BMP
                                Dr Brett Menmuir St Marys Hospital Reno,Nevada

                                Bending and twisting pics after full fusion

                                My x-rays


