I think the surgeon left an ice pick stuck in my pelvis...Well ok, not really, but it sure feels like it at times. I had posterior fusion T8-sacrum with left pelvic fixation 9 weeks ago. I also had a PLIF done at L4-5 (interbody fusion). Overall I am doing great, including swimming an hour per day on most days. But, I have daily pain that feels like it is deep in the back of my pelvis, on the left where the iliac screw must be. It is worse in the morning and evening, eases but does not disappear during the day. I have been off all pain meds for weeks, except tylenol. I have tried tramadol but it doesn't seem to touch it. The pain is mostly associated with moving--like if I shift my weight from standing to start walking, or take a step sideways while in the kitchen, I get a sharp stabbing pain.
I asked the PA about it at my 7 week appt, and she said the x-rays looked great, no fractures, and felt it was from the pelvic screw. I have also noticed that most of my back muscles around the incision are still very tender, especially over my pelvis.
I am just wondering for those out there who have pelvic fixation, does this sound familiar at all? Does it get better with time? I am starting to wonder if I will have to have this pelvic screw removed in the future? Yikes.
I asked the PA about it at my 7 week appt, and she said the x-rays looked great, no fractures, and felt it was from the pelvic screw. I have also noticed that most of my back muscles around the incision are still very tender, especially over my pelvis.
I am just wondering for those out there who have pelvic fixation, does this sound familiar at all? Does it get better with time? I am starting to wonder if I will have to have this pelvic screw removed in the future? Yikes.