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2 year anniversery

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  • #16
    That's wonderful that you have done so well. Congrats on 2-years! I'm 10 months today and hope at 2 years I can report the same successes. I've learned a ton from your posts and always enjoy the levity! Thanks for all you do for us. Janet

    61 years old--57 for surgery

    Diagnosed in 1965 at age of 13--no brace
    Thoracic Curve: 96 degrees to 35 degrees
    Lumbar Curve: 63 degrees to 5 degrees
    Surgery with Dr. Lenke in St. Louis--March 30, 2009
    T-2 to Pelvis, and hopefully all posterior procedure.

    All was posterior along with 2 cages and 6 osteotomies.


    • #17
      Hello Doodles,
      Can you explain to me your cages and osteotomies; is this different from your fusion?
      Rita Thompson
      Age 46
      Milwaukee Brace wearer for 3 years in childhood
      Surgery Mar 1st - 95 degree thoracic curve
      Surgery by Dr. Lenke, St. Louis, MO
      Post-surgery curve 25-30 degree


      • #18
        awesome ed
        Surgery 25/1/2010


        Scoliosis Corrected 25/1/2010 by Dr Angus Gray, Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Sydney. Fused T3-L4.


        • #19
          Aw shucks guys, your killin me! LOL

          I don’t really try to inspire as much as I like to be factual about things. Id much rather inspire by flying around with a cape like superman fighting crime. It seems that all superhero's created back in the 1960s were required to wear that damn speedo as part of their uniform. What are ya gunna do? I wonder what Nixon thought about that. LOL I guess the only way I could achieve that dream would be to go to New York and get a writing position with SNL if Lorne would take me. Id end up completely blowing my belly button out from laughing so hard and have to start the NBBF, for belly button sufferers. If it gets the size of a Volkswagen hubcap, I will have to tattoo a VW on it.

          Oh boy....

          By dreaming and joking, I guess that’s the way I battle my depression. Depression from many reasons, that never seem to end. It’s a reaction from being too serious. I think it’s a good reaction as it keeps my sanity. Like Mike Meyers, who did the same after his fathers death, incredible funny, but so sad from grieving..............Hope this sheds some light.


          With your pain, and I know your pain, the chances that you will have substantial improvement are great. Its with younger patients who don’t know what extreme pain is about, "might" result with a certain amount of dissatisfaction. This is one of the reasons why a surgeon might want to wait. I am completely satisfied with my results. I did have to sacrifice some things, and had a few complications, with a tough recovery, but overall, its been totally worth it.

          I don’t think you have much choice in this matter. I think that your selection with Dr Lenke couldn’t be any better, as long as you are happy with him, and have positive thoughts, you will prevail. Keep thinking about a successful recovery, and about the long run, get yourself in the best shape that you can, build your immune system, eat right, and go for walks outdoors.
          Your going to do this, and things will be just fine.

          Les, Im happy for you.... Its nice to hear another T2-pelvic doing well out there...

          49 yr old male, now 63, the new 64...
          Pre surgery curves T70,L70
          ALIF/PSA T2-Pelvis 01/29/08, 01/31/08 7" pelvic anchors BMP
          Dr Brett Menmuir St Marys Hospital Reno,Nevada

          Bending and twisting pics after full fusion

          My x-rays


          • #20
            Congrats Ed !

            Congratulations on reaching the 2-year milestone and for the great health that you are enjoying.

            I just had to add to the list of well-wishers. I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said. You helped me make the decision and face the surgery with the facts and less fear. Your humor has picked me up several times when I have been a bit down. Thanks for staying active on this forum and helping so many of us.

            May you enjoy many fun and pain-free years, and continue to keep us informed about the fun along the way.

            At age 56 my curves measured: 48/60/30 with lots of rotation and getting worse
            Posterior fusion T5-L4 June 30, 2009
            Excellent correction


            • #21
              Hey Ed
              "go to New YOrk..get a writing position with SNL..."
              did you ever? live in NYC i mean...cause it's never too late...?!?



              • #22
                I grew up in Jersey. You know, "out west?" Whada ya gunna do? LOL

                As much as I miss NYC, as I've gotten older I have learned to love the scenery that we have out here. Its hard to beat. Joining a comedy troupe would mean going back to the city again.

                I do love San Francisco. Fantastic city.

                I lived 4 miles from Manhattan. Both are expensive places.

                Dana Carvey did HW back in the day, with "a thousand points of light" which was classic.... Poor guy had serious heart problems, the surgeons operated on the wrong artery and he had setbacks. 5 heart surgeries.

                I guess we all have our little issues... After you get through these things, you realize that life runs a course, like a river, and your outcome depends on your paddling abilities. I feel I'm through the rapids, and I'm in calm water, very content, maybe a little tired, but very very pleased.
                49 yr old male, now 63, the new 64...
                Pre surgery curves T70,L70
                ALIF/PSA T2-Pelvis 01/29/08, 01/31/08 7" pelvic anchors BMP
                Dr Brett Menmuir St Marys Hospital Reno,Nevada

                Bending and twisting pics after full fusion

                My x-rays



                • #23
                  Hmmm...wont comment on NJ

                  paddling, huh? well, guess some of the problems must've been cause i never knew how to swim!! havent learned yet, but am better at paddling

                  congratulations again on the anniversary.....and best of luck...



                  • #24
                    Nice to hear ed and the others on here that posted they are pain free

                    Just felt a tiny weight lifted from my shoulders.

                    Hoping i will be able to post the same in the near future when my surgery is setup.
                    Age 25 male
                    Upstate NY
                    T3-L3 fusion for 80's degrees kyphosis
                    Anterior 9/21/10 & posterior 9/28/10
                    Post op degrees soon to come


                    • #25
                      Happy 2 year Ed,I enjoy reading your posts, your a funny guy, always cheers me up.Thank you for being you
                      Aug.17,09 Anterior
                      Aug.20,09 Posterior
                      Fused T-10 to Sacral Pelvis

                      Sheri 47 years young
                      Husband married 30 years
                      3 kids 29,28,25
                      4 grandkids 10,8,5,3

