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  • #16
    What about if you don't have the time to start donating before, since you have to travel a long distance to have your surgery? I live in Kona, Hawaii and will probably end up in SF, but won't have those weeks before hand. Up to how close to your surgery can you donate? I'm a common kind of blood, so maybe it's not as important?
    Berta in Hawaii


    • #17
      How many units of blood can you donate at a time?
      surgery 9/06
      Rothman institute


      • #18
        I went last monday & go for 2 more Monday's & then done... I believe they can only take a pint per visit...which looking at it, was a good amount! As long as your iron is up(mine, I think was 12.9 & you have to be above 11.0...I think...) Each time you give you go down a bit on the iron levels. So they check you out each time before giving that you must keep taking the iron pills & vit. c which helps out in the whole blood process... I'm taking them 3 times a day but my surgeon's nurse said if I feel too pumped up" I can go to 2 times on the iron.....The other thg I'm on is folic acid...I've also been eating sunflower seeds like there's no tomorrow & granola & peanut butter & soy nuts! I can't seem to stop all of those lately. At least they're good for me! take care, Lynne --------------------- ps. blood lasts 34 days in storage before they have to freeze it & that's evidently expensive--that's what it says on my info sheet, so that's why you do it closer to operation time. surg. aug 1st
        Last edited by lelc2002@yahoo; 07-07-2006, 03:05 PM.


        • #19

          From the way my GP reacted when I told him, I assumed that the Red Cross makes mistakes often. Scarey thought isn't it!!! The Red Cross even contacted the local Health Dept. and told them I had it. So I believed it. Nothing will hold you up!!! I know your surgery date is coming soon, don't worry about things that you don't need too.

          I should have gotten tested after I got that letter and I didn't. I guess I just want to tell everyone, don't make the same mistakes I did!!!



          • #20
            Hi there! I have never donated blood for surgical reasons but I do donate blood reguarily to the Canadian Blood Services. I have found a few tips to make you feel as good at the end as you did at the beginning:
            -Drink LOTS of water or juice that day, the more hydrated you are the better
            -Avoid caffeine or limit it if you can, just for that day you are donating
            -Eat something with sugar (like fruit or even a cookie) or drink some juice right before you donate
            -Repeat above step right after you donate (usually they will provide something) and rest for at least 10 minutes before driving

            Usually I donate blood with a friend of mine, "blood buddies" and we go out to eat right afterwards, and by the time we're done we don't even know we've donated that day! We feel great.

            Good luck!



            • #21
              that's good information... what I did the last 2 times before I went is eat a good breakfast..& drink a juice or 2..I did Mango pulp juice... The key to not being dizzy after is healthy eating before hand...Ly
              ps. I can't cut the coffee/so I double up on the vit c/juice w/ coffee!


              • #22
                To be honest I would miss the coffee too, so just drink that extra water & juice! I tried decaf but YUCK, not worth it. Heehee And yes, have a good meal before hand too! Food is important too.


                • #23
                  I started taking my iron pills this week, each little things brings me closer to the reality that surgery is quickly approaching
                  surgery 9/06
                  Rothman institute

