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Leg pain debilitating - this does not seem right!

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  • #16
    I agree with Debbie. 3 weeks does seem too soon. I didn't even think about weaning at 3 weeks. I am not sure why people are in such a rush to come off the meds. I guess people enjoy pain more than I do.
    1987 Lumbar Laminectomy (forget which levels)
    2005 A/P fusion, L2 - L5, 2/2005
    2009 2 Posterior fusions, T6 - Pelvis, 2/10 & 2/18,
    Dr. Frank Rand, NEBH


    • #17
      I hope your feeling better today. I do know that Nuerontin/Lyrica can take awhile to get desired effects. It also may be too soon to stop the narcotics. If your still in pain today I would go to the ER for piece of mind if anything else. I hope your feeling better!
      36 year young cardiac RN
      old curve C 29, T 70, L 50
      new curve C 7, T 23, L 20
      Surgery June 11, UCH, Dr. Cronen T2-L5, posterior
      Revision December 20 L5-S1 with pelvic fixation
      and Osteotomy to L3 at Tampa General Hospital


      • #18
        Just spoke to my surgeon Dr. Cronen - he has called in a new prescription for me - a steroid pack, some patches I put on my leg for 12 hours and take off for 12 hours etc., and some pills to replace the Neurontin - I forget the name he said - my mum is now as I write picking up my prescription for me. He also told me to go slower about weaning off on the pills. Right now I'm on all my meds, and will not start weaning off them again until I feel some relief in my leg, and then I will very very slowly start weaning off them at that point. Just feeling pretty depressed today, as I want my mum to be able to go home, and I want my life back - yes I know patience is what I need right now. Upsetting when the kids father hasn't seen them since Apr 14th, he's off in L.A. doing "business" with his wife there (business is a great way to cover for vacation), and he's not seeing them this coming week or coming weekend either - so I've had no break from my boys, and it's of course more pressure on my mum - but I remind myself that the boys are at least better off with me where they feel loved and secure. It just sickens me watching my ex doing all these things with his wife, and yet trying to reduce my child support in court. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this stuff, just feeling so incapacitated right now knowing I can't work part-time yet or anything, and can't afford to take my boys on a vacation this year, all of it is getting on top of me today. Sorry for blurting my life out to you all again, just having one of those fed up days today. I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow. I'll let you all know how the meds work for me. It was really nice of Dr. Cronen to call me back on a Sunday so soon, he and his personal assistant Josh Gilliam are wonderful people, and genuinely care about your well-being. It's good to know I'm in such good hands!
        Last edited by LynetteG; 04-25-2010, 05:33 PM.
        Lynette - 44 years old.

        Pre-surgery thoracic 55 degrees
        Pre-surgery lumbar 85 degrees

        Post-surgery thoracic 19 degrees
        Post-surgery lumbar 27 degrees

        Surgery April 1st 2010.

        Posterior spinal fusion from T9 to sacrum.
        Dr. Cronen at University Community Hospital - Tampa, FL.


        • #19
          Hi Lynette,
          You sure have your plate filled plus just having surgery. I don't know if you have thought of antidepressants or not. For all I know you might be on them I don't really know. But, when things are as stressful as they are for you right now, they might help that's if you aren't allready taking something.
          I have been on ad's for a long time and I know a lot of people became over stressed right after surgery, which can have an adverse affect on your pain.
          just a thought.
          1987 Lumbar Laminectomy (forget which levels)
          2005 A/P fusion, L2 - L5, 2/2005
          2009 2 Posterior fusions, T6 - Pelvis, 2/10 & 2/18,
          Dr. Frank Rand, NEBH


          • #20
            give yourself some time. Remember, your back was literally broken all over, which causes significant pain. As you physically heal, the pain will start to subside, but when the pain gets ahead of you, it's hard to control. I'm sure your mother doesn't mind--she's there isn't she? She understands what a major sugery this was, and won't want you to compromise healing properly by rushing it. If you're sleeping extra, it's because your body needs it. Your body went through a major trauma. Try not to push too much.

            I hope the new meds do the trick.
            Debbe - 50 yrs old

            Milwalkee Brace 1976 - 79
            Told by Dr. my curve would never progress

            Surgery 10/15/08 in NYC by Dr. Michael Neuwirth
            Pre-Surgury Thorasic: 66 degrees
            Pre-Surgery Lumbar: 66 degrees

            Post-Surgery Thorasic: 34 degrees
            Post-Surgery Lumbar: 22 degrees


            • #21
              Lynette -- I'm so sorry you're have such a difficult time. You've been through a tremendous amount both emotionally and physically. I pray you will turn the corner soon and begin to see great progress.

              Age 66 Georgia (63 at time of surgery)
              Bi-lateral laminectomy 2006
              Kyphoscoliosis, approx 38* lumbar scoliosis, stenosis, disk herniations, lower back and hip pain, w/radiating pain, stinging and numbness in legs.
              A/P fusion (T10-S2) 5/17/10 and 5/20/10
              Dr Yoon, Emory Orthopaedic and Spine Hospital, Atlanta, GA
              Pleased with outcome


              • #22
                So sorry Lynette! You're such a soldier. Just don't be TOO brave. Yes it IS possible you have a blood clot. I had similar symptoms after knee surgery and was given an emergency ultrasound just to be on the safe side. Negative but I felt better. (The surgeon made me go, and it wasn't even a bad pain).

                I'd ask for one if I were you. Once you ask, the MD is kind of forced to order it as if you (god forbid) should have a DVT (leg clot) they're extra at fault. Don't know why Dr. Cronen is holding back, as it's not a super expensive test!

                If your leg is not red and hot feeling at the site of pain, you should be OK from what I've read about DVTs (sorry, this is so much after the fact). However, I'm of the "better safe than sorry", school anyhow, no matter what doctor or nurse thinks I'm a crock. I've been right too often too care.

                You're really holding down the fort there, even after this major "insult" to your body.
                Best of luck!!
                Last edited by Back-out; 04-25-2010, 10:00 PM. Reason: left something out
                Not all diagnosed (still having tests and consults) but so far:
                Ehler-Danlos (hyper-mobility) syndrome, 69 - somehow,
                main curve L Cobb 60, compensating T curve ~ 30
                Flat back, marked lumbar kyphosis (grade?) Spondilolisthesis - everyone gives this a different grade too. Cervical stenosis op'd 3-07, minimally invasive


                • #23
                  about Neurontin and pain relief

                  FWIW the mfgr. (Parke-Davis) of Neurontin seems to be in the process of being sued again for false promotion of its off-label uses (such as pain relief).

                  Sheesh, I thought this was over years ago! They got their (paid) docs to go around proselytizing and handing out freebies and samples, for at least a decade. I don't think it's FDA approved for anything but use as a mild anti-convulsant, but they promoted it for everything but hangnails.
                  Seems it should be a class action suit and we should ALL get a tiny piece of the action! (Yep, I took it regularly, and "found" it helped prevent awakening from sleep. Mebbe so, mebbe not! Power of suggestion is real power!)

                  The more we find out, the more it comes out that very few psychotropic drugs (this includes pain relievers) can compete with the miracle drug, PLACEBO!

                  Here's just one recent Google at random. Plug in "Neurontin + lawsuit" and see what comes up (and the number of entries!)

                  I have a very large BEE IN THE BONNET about false medical promotion. Worst of all, in fact, are the spinal orthopedic specialists who've been paid hundreds of thous $ for speaking in favor of spinal products, under the guise of objective science. Medtronic is one of the worst offenders. GRRRRRR.
                  Not all diagnosed (still having tests and consults) but so far:
                  Ehler-Danlos (hyper-mobility) syndrome, 69 - somehow,
                  main curve L Cobb 60, compensating T curve ~ 30
                  Flat back, marked lumbar kyphosis (grade?) Spondilolisthesis - everyone gives this a different grade too. Cervical stenosis op'd 3-07, minimally invasive


                  • #24
                    Nerve pain/neurontin or opiates

                    Originally posted by theizzard View Post
                    . I would rather stick with tried and true old fashioned narcotics.
                    Opiates do nothing for nerve pain short of general anesthesia. Neurontin/Lyrica are anti seizure medications which were found to give good relief for nerve pain. It is commonly used for diabetic nerve pain.

                    During my revision recovery I was given neurontin in gradually increasing doses until I was taking the maximum 3600mgm a day. This enabled me to get off all opiates after 3 months. All this was under the care of a pain management doc. I was gradually tapered off by 6 months when I went back to work.
                    Original scoliosis surgery 1956 T-4 to L-2 ~100 degree thoracic (triple)curves at age 14. NO hardware-lost correction.
                    Anterior/posterior revision T-4 to Sacrum in 2002, age 60, by Dr. Boachie-Adjei @Hospital for Special Surgery, NY = 50% correction


                    • #25
                      "Opiates do nothing for nerve pain short of general anesthesia."

                      Karen, you hit that one on the bell!
                      49 yr old male, now 63, the new 64...
                      Pre surgery curves T70,L70
                      ALIF/PSA T2-Pelvis 01/29/08, 01/31/08 7" pelvic anchors BMP
                      Dr Brett Menmuir St Marys Hospital Reno,Nevada

                      Bending and twisting pics after full fusion

                      My x-rays



                      • #26
                        i hope what the doctor prescribed takes care of the pain until it is gone! you are dealing with soooo have all my sympathy...not that it helps, but just know that others are pulling for you!

                        i say again, i got nothing from neurontin for the point of asking the doctor what it was for, since i felt absolutely nothing from it...i have some nerve pain, and i have sciatica down left leg, but i think most of my pain is from structural problems...and discs that are just awful, per the pain and the surgeon's opinion! of course, spinal stenosis doesnt who lives across the street from me said spinal stenosis causes now, i cant tell what pain is coming from what

                        too bad i couldnt join the neurontin law suit!

                        i hope each day brings more healing to you, Lynette...and i hope things ease up....i am so sorry that some people in your life dont seem sympathetic....i am just glad you have your mother to help...dont worry about anything but getting better!



                        • #27
                          Neurontin works for me. I take 900mg/day and if I have more than my usual about of pain, I take and extra 300mg before bedtime. If I don't take it , the pain won't let me fall asleep. I'll take it any day rather than narcotics.
                          Diagnosed with severe lumbar scoliosis at age 65.
                          Posterior Fusion L2-S1 on 12/4/2007. age 67
                          Anterior Fusion L3-L4,L4-L5,L5-S1 on 12/19/2007
                          Additional bone removed to decompress right side of L3-L4 & L4-L5 on 4/19/2010
                          New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, MA
                          Dr. Frank F.

                          "In God We Trust" Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.


                          • #28
                            Hi Lynette - I am so sorry that you are suffering so. I am trying to slowly wean from my med. It seems to be a good medicine. I'm on a generic brand of Lortab. Remember to not push yourself to quickly!
                            I have had a lot of minor complications and today is the first day I think all the complications are behind me, (til tomorrow and i find a new one) and I can now move forward with healing my back and fusions.

                            My back is very stiff and does have pain. Each day is different and in it's own way better. My Dr told me I would have alot of leg pain, especially, upper leg due to how I was positioned during this long surgery.
                            Hang in there Lynette!!
                            Prayers are with you and your healing.
                            Shari - 55 years old
                            Pre-Surgery 62 degree thorasic curve with shifting.
                            Post op 13 degree curve.
                            Successful surgery 4/15/10, T3-L2 fused.
                            2nd surgery to reopen incision 10" to diagnose infection, 5/18/10
                            Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI - the late Dr. Harry Herkowitz


                            • #29
                              Dearest Lynnette,
                              I know exactly how you feel regarding the leg pain. I have a left leg that has shooting pain down it and as I sit here it is uncomfortable sitting in my jeans with the numbness and tingling - sorta feeling like all the nerves are on top of the leg instead of inside. Does that make sense? Weird feeling!!! So, I called my dr today, mainly because I needed a refill of my meds, but asked while I had the nurse on the phone and she said the leg pain was not at all unusual. She said leg pain was usually a long time going away and she said she could call something out for me, Lyrica I think she said, but I told her I didn't want any more meds at this point. Trying to cut down on what I have - Hydrocodone. I'm down to 2 Hydrocodone with my cereal (Ha!) in the morning, one after lunch and then I'm usually good until about 5 or 6 on a usual day. But, if I happen to be on my feet a lot or riding in the car (ugh!) then I might have to squeeze in more. But, this is better than I was doing. I'm working part time, 10a-2p, but I have the best boss in the world, so I basically get to come and go as I want and do nothing but sit at a computer all day, except when I go for my walks. Please try not to be too hard on yourself. This all takes time. I know thats hard to understand sometimes, as I have my days too believe me, but I know exactly what you are going through. The whole time I was in hosp and afterwards when my mum was helping I felt bad for my son, never seeing him, but once I got back to him it was a wonderful feeling. And you too will make it back. Trust me. Please don't be too hard on yourself. Keep a smile you're doing great this far - take each day by day. We are here for you anytime. Hang in there.
                              Rita Thompson
                              Age 46
                              Milwaukee Brace wearer for 3 years in childhood
                              Surgery Mar 1st - 95 degree thoracic curve
                              Surgery by Dr. Lenke, St. Louis, MO
                              Post-surgery curve 25-30 degree


                              • #30
                                Thinking of you, Lynette....wondering if today is any better. Truly hope so. Lots of tough stuff for you these days, but you are tougher than the stuff and will prevail...Hugs.
                                58 yrs old, diagnosed at 31, never braced
                                Measured T-64, L-65 in 2009
                                Measured T-57, L-56 in 2010, different doc
                                2 lumbar levels spondylolisthesis
                                Exercising to correct

