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Scoliosis stories wanted

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bas2101 View Post
    Actually, "scientific method" is dogma like any other form of body of knowledge.
    The scientific method is the very opposite of dogma. It allows and encourages testing and retesting. Dogma is dogma because it scrupulously avoids testing and retesting.

    To call the scientific method dogma is to not understand the scientific method at all.

    Science is simply the only intellectually honest game in town.
    Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

    No island of sanity.

    Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
    Answer: Medicine

    "We are all African."


    • #17
      Originally posted by bas2101 View Post
      The term "alternative" is not synonymous with "paranormal," although paranormal could fall under alternative, so I see your point.

      By "alternative," I mean treatments that are not part of the mainstream standards of orthopedists; "wait and watch," bracing, surgery. This could potentially include "paranormal" approaches, but it can also included approaches outside of the mainstream that have scientific basis. I understand that the term "alternative" can fall within a gray area.

      Have a good day, I have to get outside.
      Okay what are some alternative yet non-paranormal approaches out there that have a scientific basis.

      Have fun outside! I'm going outside myself later to ride my horse.
      Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

      No island of sanity.

      Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
      Answer: Medicine

      "We are all African."


      • #18
        pooka and tx should have a look at the title of this subforum -- "Non-Surgical" -- and behave themselves for a change.

        Here we have a sincere scoli Mom asking for stories from others who are on the same inquiring path she is. That is the central point of the entire NSF forum -- to share information.

        Along come pooka and tx and attempt to stomp out this inquiry. Now what is behind their hostile behavior, which is all-too typical for them? I posted a thread analyzing this a couple months ago. I stand by my interpretation, and invite the impartial observer to consider it.

        As for the alleged research scientist pooka's questioning of the science behind non-surgical approaches, I've posted references to recent peer-reviewed articles that question the scientific rationale for scoliosis surgery itself.

        pooka surely knows Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, which points out that the old guard will never change their minds. Many, even perhaps most surgeons in the scoliosis old guard will always believe exclusively in the spinal fusion paradigm no matter how many studies show efficacy of more benign alternatives. The famous physicist Max Planck said that a new idea becomes accepted in science when the old generation dies.

        The surgeons will not lead the way, so parents and the patients have to lead the way to better alternatives, and this forum should serve that purpose.

        Kindly let the rest of us share useful information about non-surgical approaches in the non-surgical subforum, anecdotal or not. The constant hostile attacks say much more about the perpetrators than about science.
        Last edited by Writer; 10-05-2008, 04:47 PM.


        • #19
          Thank you Writer, and well said. And, as I would love to continue to share information with others on this sight, I will no longer engage in conversations that are more about winning some sort of rhetorical debate, than a respectful exchange of ideas.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Writer View Post
            pooka and tx should have a look at the title of this subforum -- "Non-Surgical" -- and behave themselves for a change.
            Urm, Writer, she posted that identical post to several subfora including some surgical ones.

            It is completely random that this occurred in a non-surgical forum rather than a surgical one. Can you see that?
            Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

            No island of sanity.

            Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
            Answer: Medicine

            "We are all African."


            • #21
              Originally posted by bas2101 View Post
              Thank you Writer, and well said. And, as I would love to continue to share information with others on this sight, I will no longer engage in conversations that are more about winning some sort of rhetorical debate, than a respectful exchange of ideas.
              You posted that identical post in surgical subfora.

              And why must there always be this ridiculous "war" between science and "woo-woo?"

              Is anyone really in doubt that science is the only game in town?
              Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

              No island of sanity.

              Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
              Answer: Medicine

              "We are all African."


              • #22
                Originally posted by Writer View Post
                Along come pooka and tx and attempt to stomp out this inquiry.
                The Astrologers claim that the astronomers stomp out inquiry.

                The Alchemists claim that the chemists stomp out inquiry.

                The Creationists claim that the biologists/geologists stomp out inquiry.

                Now the paranormal folks claim the medical researchers are stomping out inquiry.

                See a pattern?
                Last edited by Pooka1; 10-06-2008, 03:55 PM.
                Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

                No island of sanity.

                Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
                Answer: Medicine

                "We are all African."


                • #23
                  Calm down a little, Sharon. I think you are making a huge deal out of a simple project. You are overreacting big-time to a woman's desire to pen some accounts from scoliosis patients... probably not the type of book you would buy, but I would be interested in it. Not everything in this world has to be to the nth degree of scientific study. This forum is a place for exploring ideas and sharing information.
                  71 and plugging along... but having some problems
                  2007 52° w/ severe lumbar stenosis & L2L3 lateral listhesis (side shift)
                  5/4/07 posterior fusion T2-L4 w/ laminectomies and osteotomies @L2L3, L3L4
                  Dr. Kim Hammerberg, Rush Univ. Medical Center in Chicago

                  Corrected to 15°
                  CMT (type 2) DX in 2014, progressing
                  10/2018 x-rays - spondylolisthesis at L4/L5 - Dr. DeWald is monitoring

                  Click to view my pics: pics of scoli x-rays digital x-rays, and pics of me


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Susie*Bee View Post
                    Calm down a little, Sharon. I think you are making a huge deal out of a simple project. You are overreacting big-time to a woman's desire to pen some accounts from scoliosis patients... probably not the type of book you would buy, but I would be interested in it. Not everything in this world has to be to the nth degree of scientific study. This forum is a place for exploring ideas and sharing information.

                    I'm not saying she needs to try to write a scientific paper, especially as a non-scientist.

                    I just think the chance is high of giving folks false hope by reporting anecdotes, especially for paranormal treatments. There is enough out there already to confuse desperate people.
                    Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

                    No island of sanity.

                    Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
                    Answer: Medicine

                    "We are all African."


                    • #25
                      Ms. Smith.

                      I think Sharon is trying to say that she doesn't want to share her story with you.

                      As a scientist, I'm not sure I follow either of these arguments.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by PNUTTRO View Post
                        As a scientist, I'm not sure I follow either of these arguments.
                        "Arguments?" "Either?"

                        Were two sides of something presented?

                        Somewhat inscrutable post you have there.

                        Anything better in your opinion than the scientific method?
                        Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

                        No island of sanity.

                        Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
                        Answer: Medicine

                        "We are all African."


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Pooka1 View Post
                          I just think the chance is high of giving folks false hope by reporting anecdotes, especially for paranormal treatments. There is enough out there already to confuse desperate people.
                          She did say it was for graduate school, and most graduate thesis/projects/ect never get published anyway and in that case, probably won't be read by anyone beyond the thesis committee. So I wouldn't worry too much yet about the her writing leading to lots of false hopes.
                          30 something y.o.

                          2003 - T45, L???
                          2005 - T50, L31
                          bunch of measurements between...

                          2011 - T60, L32
                          2013 - T68, L?

                          Posterior Fusion Sept 2014 -- T3 - L3
                          Post - op curve ~35


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Pooka1 View Post
                            Somewhat inscrutable post you have there.
                            Scrutinize away. Anyone may interpret my comments any way they want.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by PNUTTRO View Post
                              Scrutinize away. Anyone may interpret my comments any way they want.
                              I can't scrutinize them. They are inscrutable.

                              What can be more inscrutable than a scientist seemingly not agreeing that the scientific method is the only game in town?
                              Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

                              No island of sanity.

                              Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
                              Answer: Medicine

                              "We are all African."


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Pooka1 View Post
                                I can't scrutinize them. They are inscrutable.
                                Sharon, what happened to imagination? Science would be nowhere without it. . .

