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after effects...??

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  • #16
    I hope this has nothing to do with your pain, but for possible reference, here is a link describing extremely painful reactions to epidural injections (given for any reason).

    Apparently, that area is very sensitive to inflammatory response from numerous causes, including any agent which may be accidentally present along with the one they are purposely injecting. (One of many examples given, is an "epidemic" in the 50s caused by a minute amount of detergent in left in reused syringes. Sounds like a case for Dr. House! ).

    I was looking up Tarlov cysts and for some reason a poster who calls him/herself "Tarlovian", posted this link. I thought of you immediately. It's definitely a worst case scenario but some of the comments are informative - regarding the sensitivity of the area and also how ignorant even good physicians are, about its proneness to extreme inflammatory responses.

    Don't jump to any conclusions pending more informatio, tho! (Even the next poster on the NORD site, criticized "Tarlovian" for a doom and gloom posting).

    I must say I think that's illegitimate, as when one is seeking information, not all news will be good news. Whatever, the link seems much more pertinent to some one wondering what may have caused a painful epidural injection than someone wondering about Tarlov cysts. (I guess sometimes they can be aspirated and that's the connection).
    Not all diagnosed (still having tests and consults) but so far:
    Ehler-Danlos (hyper-mobility) syndrome, 69 - somehow,
    main curve L Cobb 60, compensating T curve ~ 30
    Flat back, marked lumbar kyphosis (grade?) Spondilolisthesis - everyone gives this a different grade too. Cervical stenosis op'd 3-07, minimally invasive


    • #17
      Note the link may be really off the wall in relevance as the arachnoid space invaded is probably only a result of "missing" in most epidurals. Checking out epidurals I see there is indeed much discussion of women who had bad reactions after epidural anesthesia in childbirth. The so-called Burton report is probably an exposes of injections in a different and even more sensitive area than yours. Note the only possible relevant info is towards the end.
      Not all diagnosed (still having tests and consults) but so far:
      Ehler-Danlos (hyper-mobility) syndrome, 69 - somehow,
      main curve L Cobb 60, compensating T curve ~ 30
      Flat back, marked lumbar kyphosis (grade?) Spondilolisthesis - everyone gives this a different grade too. Cervical stenosis op'd 3-07, minimally invasive


      • #18
        hmmmm...thanks for locating the information...but i really dont think the pain management doctor was close to my spinal column or spinal fluid...

        at first i thought you were saying he injected a spider along with the steroid...(arachnid)....



        • #19
          We dont get offered epidurals or botox over here Jess, but I do know people who have had the epidurals for when they give birth and they do have pain at the injection site. Dear oh dear as if you havent got enough to cope with

          Hugs over the sea from me
          Operated on in 1966, harrington rods inserted from T4 to L3, here in Australia. Fusion of the said vertebrae as well. Problems for the last 14 years with pain.
          Something I feel deeply,"Life is like money,you can spend it anyway you wish, but can only spend it once.


          • #20
            thanks, Lorraine...
            i dont understand.... why you guys cant get that kind of treatment in you have pain management doctors in they just not use those kinds of injections?

            the sciatica never bothered me...i lived with it for over 10 years...hardly ever had any discomfort with it, til it worsened 200%, seemingly over night!
            oh well...could be worse...could've had injection site pain but not had the 2 months of pain free i try to remember to be grateful for small favors....

            thanks for the sympathy, though...much appreciated



            • #21
              Originally posted by jrnyc View Post
              hmmmm...thanks for locating the information...but i really dont think the pain management doctor was close to my spinal column or spinal fluid...

              at first i thought you were saying he injected a spider along with the steroid...(arachnid)....

              Ha! In fact, the space IS named after the spider root word in some way. In the worst case scenario alluded to, one gets arachnoiditis - reputedly sheerest hell.
              I read about it years ago, long before dreaming abt this surgery. I think the scarring in that DOES have a spidery shape...UGH!
              Not all diagnosed (still having tests and consults) but so far:
              Ehler-Danlos (hyper-mobility) syndrome, 69 - somehow,
              main curve L Cobb 60, compensating T curve ~ 30
              Flat back, marked lumbar kyphosis (grade?) Spondilolisthesis - everyone gives this a different grade too. Cervical stenosis op'd 3-07, minimally invasive


              • #22
                Hi Jess, yes we do have pain management doctors over here but they give us cortisone injections into the spine, I have had anaesthesia as well injected into the spine only very little by my GP, plus facet joint injections that they had trouble getting in because of the fusion, so instead of injecting below the fusion they tried to go into it and I think from memory and me not being at all impressed, they said they made a mistake. !! Oh brother.

                You are amazing Jess, you seem to find something to be grateful about all the time, and that is a truly wonderful way to be.

                Operated on in 1966, harrington rods inserted from T4 to L3, here in Australia. Fusion of the said vertebrae as well. Problems for the last 14 years with pain.
                Something I feel deeply,"Life is like money,you can spend it anyway you wish, but can only spend it once.


                • #23
                  thanks, Lorraine..

                  feel like i have a sister in Australia...



                  • #24
                    For once

                    Hi Jess, I think I may be able to help you a little bit. I am sorry for all you have gone through and you have done like my daughter alas unlike me with grace under pressure.
                    M and M both had two epididurals each for their first surgery.They did very well post op. No problems at all.

                    M has the option of an epidural for her surgery and she is balking becuase of the taking out issue. Not pleasant but certainly do able. Go figure.

                    They both ran into muscle spams and used Valuim. Meg has had soome pain issues but it is hard for me to say whether it's stress with her siser's surgeries.

                    I had an epidural for my first preganacy. I think they gave me too much which led to a very difficult delivery. But there was never any after effects from it itself.

                    I am so sorry about the pain and dealing with all the meds. It seems you are well equipped with knowledge and fire to deal through the swamp of medicine in America these days. Peace and Good Mary


                    • #25
                      hi Mary
                      thank you so much for the kind words and sympathy...
                      and i hope your daughters go on to live pain free and happy lives!

                      i am surprised at the injection site pain..i've had so very many injections of all kinds...this is the only treatment i've had for wondering whether the nature of the beast added to the odds of this happening, or if it was just rotten luck...but i know things could be a lot worse... i think massage might going to try that next...

                      thanks again...



                      • #26
                        What a lovely thing to say Jess, thank you and ditto.

                        Operated on in 1966, harrington rods inserted from T4 to L3, here in Australia. Fusion of the said vertebrae as well. Problems for the last 14 years with pain.
                        Something I feel deeply,"Life is like money,you can spend it anyway you wish, but can only spend it once.


                        • #27
                          Not speaking personally to the pain doc is not acceptable!

                          [QUOTE=jrnyc;106093][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]hey rohr
                          I have my usual pain meds...i never get to talk to the doc himself...always the receptionists..:


                          Not all pain docs are good. One I tried, I found out later, was running a mill!

                          Post-op, for the first 6 months only, I used a pain doc. He spoke to me every time, did a very thorought assessment and was reachable by e-mail. When I tried to come off opiods, too fast, on my own I got a terrible withdrawal/depression. He saw me right away and addressed it successfully.

                          Eight years ago I had my surgery and I am still pain free at 68.
                          Original scoliosis surgery 1956 T-4 to L-2 ~100 degree thoracic (triple)curves at age 14. NO hardware-lost correction.
                          Anterior/posterior revision T-4 to Sacrum in 2002, age 60, by Dr. Boachie-Adjei @Hospital for Special Surgery, NY = 50% correction


                          • #28
                            hi Karen
                            if there were something urgent, i am sure they would convey it to the doctor, and he would call me back...i do not believe there is anything he can do long distance (3 hours away by train)...i do not really feel that muscle relaxers would be a good choice...i may discuss it with him when i see him August 30th, but i really do not want them right now...

                            i have a good tolerance for pain, refined during a loooong bout with Lyme Disease ( heparin locks in bad veins, catheters, blood poisoning that almost killed me)...etc etc...

                            i like my pain doctor...he wont quit on me or other patients, almost as if he considers pain his mortal enemy that he is determined to conquer for/with each of his patients...

                            i am glad you are pain free after surgery...
                            i haven't made a surgery decision...yet...

                            Last edited by jrnyc; 08-23-2010, 08:17 PM.


                            • #29
                              epidurals ...

                              I had 3 epidurals then a spinal block in UK. The anisthetic didn't work as it just got stuck in the curves in myspne and didn't flow through my body...and I experienced discomfort in the injection sites for about 6 months plus after the epidurals and block were administered. 1 needle site was more sensitive and painful than the others. But my back felt in shock and spasm. I had reiki, cranial sacral, shiatsu and a whle range of massage treatments to try and iron out the spots in my spine where the epidural was administered.

                              On refelection 1 site hurt more than the others... the musecles were really tight there. It took MONTHS not weeks or days but now the feeling and discomfort has gone that was 4 years ago now. I would be reluctant to have another epidural I found it very traumatic in ,my spine leaving me in tears at the discomfort and feeling of a point in my spine that felt like it wanted to CLICK to RELEASE something but it just wouldn't


                              • #30
                                hi lucida
                                i am so sorry to hear of all you went thru just trying to get pain medication into your spine, and then the grief you experienced afterwards! i am glad the pain finally went away...but what a long time you had to deal with it!!

                                i did get 7 weeks of total pain relief from the epidural...but now am paying for it! the sciatica pain is back, plus the new injection site pain...
                                the muscle spasms at the injection site are diminishing, but are still there and seem to kick up worse at nite...

                                i will see my doctor next Monday, August 30th...i think i may discuss muscle relaxers, as Mary mentioned...
                                i dont know whether to ask for another epidural for the same area..where the sciatica has returned..i am supposed to be traveling cross country mid September...would hate to think of trying it with the sciatica pain still in full force!

                                oh...and welcome to the forum!!

                                hope you are pain free...
                                Last edited by jrnyc; 08-23-2010, 08:18 PM.

