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  • #16
    Hi Kris,

    Nice to hear that things seem to be going smoothly for Erica as she starts school. Its great that you had a plan all set up for school, had books at home, etc. After what these kids have been (or will got through), you just want everything to be as easy for them as possible. I'm sure for Erica, speaking up will come in time. It must be quite an adjustment as she continues to recover, starts a new school year and everything. How is it for her getting through the school day? Is she back full time? Is it very exhausting moving from class to class? Are the other students very helpful to her? My son's counselor has been very nice and specifically told him that it will be very IMPORTANT for him to speak up for himself to enable the school/staff to accomodate his needs.

    I guess this is a lesson in life they are having to learn sooner, rather than later. Good luck and keep us posted on how everything's progressing.


