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Surgery Thursday!

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  • Surgery Thursday!

    I'm writing to let everyone know that my son, Alexander, is having his fusion surgery this Thursday. Please send him all the positive energy/prayers, etc. that you possibly can. If anyone has any last minute advice for family members (mothers esp.) I'd love it.


    Mother of Alexander & Zachary:
    Alex is 16 years old and in the 11th grade. He has congenital scoliosis due to a hemivertebrae at T10. Wore a TLSO brace for 3 1/2 years. Pre-op curves were T45 & L65; curves post-op are approx. T31 & L34. Had a posterior spinal fusion from T8 to L3 on 7/12/07 at age 12. Doing great now in so many ways, but still working on improving posture.
    Zach is 13 years old and very energetic.

  • #2
    alexander hope your not too nervous about thursday, we shall pray for you when we go to mass, and you will be in our thoughts all day thursday. also dont forget to mess up your room before you go off to hospital because it maybe the only time you wont have to clean up after yourself! ha ha sorry to your parents on that advice it just sounded good.
    best wishes to you all


    • #3

      Alex and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers on Thurs. He's young and healthy so everything should be fine. I can't give you any advice, I'll be needing it myself in a few months, but here's a big HUG to you.

      Best wishes


      • #4
        Sending best wishes to you and Alexander on Thursday. Let us know if you have any questions. Know we're thinking of you both. This is a scary time, but you'll both do great.
        mom to Kara, idiopathic scoliosis, Blake 19, GERD and Braydon 14, VACTERL, GERD, DGE, VEPTR #137, thoracic insufficiency, rib anomalies, congenital scoliosis, missing coccyx, fatty filum/TC, anal stenosis, horseshoe kidney, dbl ureter in left kidney, ureterocele, kidney reflux, neurogenic bladder, bilateral hip dysplasia, right leg/foot dyplasia, tibial torsion, clubfoot with 8 toes, pes cavus, single umblilical artery, etc.


        • #5
          Hi Laurie,

          My thoughts and prayers are with you, Alexander and your entire family.

          The only adivce I have is take care of yourself make sure you eat and try to get some rest Alexander will need you healthy.

          Please keep us posted.


          Mom to Lorena 7 yrs old
          Diagnosed 8/2005 ~ 26 Degree Curve
          Progressed to 42 Degrees by Dec 05
          Milwakee Brace 1/16/06 - 6/26/06
          Vertebral Stapling on 6/26/06 @ Shriners in Philadelphia
          26 Degree Post Op Curve
          Last X-Rays December 07 ~ 26 Degree Curve
          YouTube Video:


          • #6

            Just know that so many people are thinking about you and Alexander and praying for a successful surgery. Before you know it, you will be the one helping others to prepare for their surgeries. The only advice I can think of is that you should always remember the word "temporary." My Mom has always helped me get through difficult times by reminding me that this too shall pass. I have already told Nicole that we must constantly remind ourselves, when the pain is unbearable, when the meds are making us sick, or whatever we will be facing those first couple of days and weeks after surgery, that it is only a temporary situation. It will get better and Alexander will soon go back to living his normal life. God Bless!!! Please keep us posted.
            From Bucks County, Pa., USA

            Mom to Matthew,19, Jessica, 17, and Nicole, 14
            Nicole had surgery with Dr. Dormans on 9/12/07 at Children's Hospital of Phila. She is fused T-2 - L-3


            • #7
              You have our prayers !!!

              May God surround your family and the hospital staff taking care of you and your son during his upcoming surgery. I don't have any advice to offer other than I have been through several surgeries on my sons, and I know you have to eat and sleep any time you have the opportunity. Good Luck and let us know... Lisa
              Lisa age 47
              T curve 69 degrees
              L curve 40 degrees more or less - compensatory
              fused to from T-3 to sacrum
              anterior and posterior surgeries completed June 1, 2007
              pushing hard in recovery !!


              • #8
                Thank you all!

                Thanks for all the information & support Everyone!

                I feel so lucky that I had this forum to help normalize this seemingly unusual situation that hardly anyone else I know can really relate to. I would love to be a source of support to any of you who needs it after Alexander's surgery. I can't wait to feel less needy of support when this is all, hopefully, over & we are on the other side of surgery. I'll let you all know how it goes...

                Mother of Alexander & Zachary:
                Alex is 16 years old and in the 11th grade. He has congenital scoliosis due to a hemivertebrae at T10. Wore a TLSO brace for 3 1/2 years. Pre-op curves were T45 & L65; curves post-op are approx. T31 & L34. Had a posterior spinal fusion from T8 to L3 on 7/12/07 at age 12. Doing great now in so many ways, but still working on improving posture.
                Zach is 13 years old and very energetic.


                • #9
                  Laurie and Alexander
                  We will certainly be thinking about you tomorrow. Don't forget mom to give yourself somes breaks over the next week. Get out for some walks and fresh air when you can, it helps. And please let us know when you can how things are going. Many hugs to you
                  mom of Patrick, age 15 at time of surgery
                  diagnosed July 2006 curves T58 L 38

                  Nov. 2006 curves T72 L38
                  also lordoscoliosis

                  feb.2007 curves T79 L43

                  Surgery May 16 2007
                  fused T4 to L1


                  • #10
                    Laurie & Alexander,

                    The waiting is hard, but soon you will be on the "other side" of this.

                    Best wishes for a successful surgery and recovery. You will be in my thoughts & prayers. Laurie, try to stay hydrated, eat and rest when you can. Take a notebook - it helps to keep track of meds, time & amount given, when next dose is due....I also kept track of blood pressure, things dr. may have said, etc.

                    Hugs to you, let us know how it goes when you are able.



                    • #11
                      Keep track of everything

                      Just like FlowerPower said, keep track of what goes on in the hospital. My son Daniel just had spinal fusion last week (T3-L1) and there were just so many different nurses and doctors coming in and out, saying different things, that in retrospect I wish I'd taken notes. With the lack of sleep and stress, you can't remember names. Anesthesia docs, respiratory docs, spinal docs, physical therapists, a social worker perhaps, etc.. all say, "let me know if you need something" and as soon as they leave the room you can't remember their name. And a doctor will order something and if you don't remember it or write it down, the nurses might not carry it out. I found it frustrating to be head nurse and manager for all my son's care with 15 different nurses and a slew of doctors over five days' time. If I'd taken better notes, it might not have been so bad.

                      Be prepared for the recovery room- your child won't look or act normal. My son's face was swollen in strange ways, there were three IVs going, and he was so out of sorts, it was scary. But as the drugs from surgery wore off, he emerged.

                      You all will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.

                      Mom of Daniel, age 16, recovering from spinal fusion of three curves, the worst of which was 57 degrees.
                      Mom to Jessica (21), Andrea(19), and Daniel (16).
                      Daniel had surgery 7/2/07 from T3-L1 to correct three curves, the worst of which was 57 degrees.


                      • #12
                        Laurie, I wish to extend best wishes and prayers for Alexander and your family on his surgery day! You all are in my thoughts and prayers today. Please let us know how Alexander is doing when you can. Take care.

                        Wanda - MJ's mom
                        14 y/o, autistic, recovering
                        T4-L1 spinal fusion surgery 6/20/07
                        Last edited by wbtori; 07-12-2007, 09:54 AM.

