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numb area

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  • #16
    no i didnt have a bone graft; my doctor used a dead persons bone;; gross
    Age: 18
    40TL curve pre op
    Posterior Spinal Fusion with Dr. Pablo Marrero
    San Jorge Children's Hospital in Puerto Rico
    June 7, 2006
    post op curve: 16


    • #17
      Shelby did not have a bone graft either. He used bone chips from her when he drilled the holes and cadaver bone. He also used the bone morphogenetic protein on her. I was so relieved because before surgery he said he WAS going to do a bone graft. When I asked him about it after her surgery he said patients often have pain from the bone graft for years after and she was so young he didn't want her to have any unnecessary pain.

      Daughter Shelby (Almost 13)
      44T 64L After 10T 10L
      Posterior Fusion T4 to L4
      June 19, 2006


      • #18
        numb area

        Dont worry you guys about the areas of numbness. I had my operation 40 years ago and am still numb near my left shoulder blade.

        I am pretty sure it is due to nerve damage as it is such a big operation. I am so proud of all of you after reading all these posts, you have a really good attitude to it. Just remember I have had a perfectly normal life, had 2 children without a worry in the world and found that the rods in my back have held me back from nothing I wanted to do.

        I am now 54 and admitedly over the past few years have had a fair bit of pain but then I didnt get the rods out either. Science has progressed so much since I was operated on. Great to read about glue!! unbelievable.!!!

        I was operated on in 1966 had an 85 degree curve and was fused from T4 to L3 with the good old Harrington rods . Had an excellent correction, still have a rib hump and a bit of a curve but hey I'm not complaining.

        Operation 1966, Fused from T4 to L3, had Harrington rods inserted. Originally had an 85 degree Thoracic curve with lumbar scoliosis as well but had a good correction.
        Perfectly normal life till 1997 but now in a lot of pain daily. Consider myself very fortunate though.


        • #19
          my doctor used synthetic bone made from coral. but i know an adult who had a spinal surgery and he said that his hip hurt from the graft more than his back did. so im thankful that none of us had to do that.

          how is everyone sleeping through the night? i still wake up a few times to reposition myself. and have some trouble falling back asleep after im awake.

          and my p.t. had me lay on my stomach. it bothered me some, i felt some pressure. has anyone else layed on their stomachs, and if you have, did it bother you?


          • #20
            numb areas

            I have a water bed. It isn't recommended by orthopaedic doctors I dont think they always like most of the time for people with back problems to use a hard bed ,but I have found over the years that this is the best type for me. It is warm all the time and my lumpy bits sink in therefore I am not uncomfortable.

            We are all different though. I found that your posting of your doctor using synthetic bone very interesting, gee things have come a long way.

            Operation 1966, Fused from T4 to L3, had Harrington rods inserted. Originally had an 85 degree Thoracic curve with lumbar scoliosis as well but had a good correction.
            Perfectly normal life till 1997 but now in a lot of pain daily. Consider myself very fortunate though.

