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We have a surgery date!

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  • Hi Cheryl. Elizabeth is going back to school tomorrow for the first time since her surgery. She wants to stay through lunch and see how her back does for the afternoon. There is an understanding that she can call me at anytime and I will be there to pick her up. She has a pillow to take to use in her chair and hopefully that will give her back some support. I am very nervous, but she is so ready to get back and be with friends and get back into the school routine.

    Our homebound is basically over I guess. It is kind of strange here as the teacher didn't really know that much about how it would work with Elizabeth going back to school on a part-time basis. So, we are assuming that homebound ends the minute she goes back to the classroom. Kind of scary.

    Ann, I hope Lizzie is doing well and can go back to school soon. What have you decided with that?

    It feels good to be 7 weeks post-op and this far along. Elizabeth hardly takes anything any more, but I plan on her taking some ibuprofen to start the day tomorrow and more at the nurse's office in the afternoon. She may come home before that. I just really don't know what to expect.

    Take care everyone and thanks for the updates. It feels good to talk to all of you and check on the girls' progress.



    • Connie, It is hard going from homebound back to school. We found that our school worked really well with us to make Crystal's transaction back to school. We did the same thing, I took her to school in the morning and she would call me if she got wore out or just hurt to much. Sometimes she could make it through several full days of school and then do a half day or just stay home for a day. I wish everyone had a small school like we have to work with. The smaller the school the simpler things are. Crystal's teachers were also very good about letting her stand if she needed to during class. They also allowed her to sit in their chair since it was more comfortable. Do check to see if she can stand up during class if need be. This was important for Crystal as sitting in hard school chairs was difficult to do for long periods of time.



      • Hey Cheryl!

        Actually, we were thinking of you all yesterday when our beloved Bears got trounced! You deserve the bragging rights. But, I'm glad we didn't place any bets....

        Connie & Cheryl: Good to hear Briann and Elizabeth will attempt school this week. Here, this is interesting. In all my spare time, I decided to print out this whole thread that you, Cheryl, started back in October -- the "we have a surgery date" one. We've kept a journal through this journey and I thought adding all the posts in this forum were a must. Anyways, it's interesting to go back and read what we were thinking back in October. Cheryl, you were hoping Briann would go back to school on Jan. 2 ...
        I know I was hoping Liz would be back by now. Oh well.

        What's the most fascinating part of reading the old posts is how much more relaxed we are now. The three of us --- we were a pretty tensed up bunch leading up to November 28th!

        The revolving door of tutors continues at our house. Lizzie is catching up and she's lucky she doesn't have to take finals, which are this week. No school until we go back to the doctor on Jan 31st. So, maybe she will be able to start out February going back half-days. Nikki, you're right about the size of the school. I think that's intimidating Liz somewhat. Her school has 2,500 kids in it and it's huge so it's a daunting thought to picture her manuevering those hallways.

        We went for a good long walk outside today. I would say the big thing holding Liz back is her reluctance to feel comfortable in her own skin. She seems very stiff and tense while walking. But, it felt good to be outside and if we can keep doing that, maybe she'll relax a bit. We're having unseasonably warm weather here in Chicago. We're used to wearing boots, hats, scarves, and gloves in mid-January. Hey, that's probably why the Panthers won. We didn't have "Bear Weather!"

        Good luck to Briann and Elizabeth this week as they get back into the school scene. I hope it all goes well ... let us know. We'll be thinking of both of them. Love, Ann


        • Hello to all,

          It is good staying caught up with your Elizabeths. Jamie homebound teacher starts tomorrow so this is going to be interesting. Our school is the same as yours as we either have to do homebound or school no wavering. So we have taken homebound for the whole 9 weeks so we can relax and she can go back when she feels like it.

          It is good to hear your updates. SOunds like everyone is doing good. If we could get rid of the restless leg syndrome we would be doing better. Will talk to the doctor tomorrow. Thanks to youall and look forward to hearing more of your encouraging stories.

          Laura P.


          • Hi Laura,

            Hope the homebound tutoring went well. I forgot what grade Jaime is in -- high school, right? In Liz's case, being a senior, she has three separate tutors, so she has to keep a schedule to keep it all straight. She has one for calculus, one for French and one who does all the rest. I am finding that they are very flexible in terms of what really needs to be made up and what they'll waive for her.

            Did the restless leg thing first start since the surgery? I know that can be very frustrating, from what I've heard about it. Especially if it happens at night when she's trying to sleep.

            Well, we're seven weeks today. Whew. In a way it seems like yesterday and at other times, it seems like FOREVER. I talked to the nurse at the doctor's office yesterday. As I've described her before, Lizzie just isn't comfortable in her own skin. She's somewhat robotic. So, since we belong to our YMCA, I asked if she could swim yet. I thought that maybe the bouancy of being in the water would allow her to relax and get comfortable. Wow. We got an absolute "No way." I guess there still is a big risk of infection. I was figuring at seven weeks, that might be gone. Oh well, 'ya learn something new every day.

            Hope you got some answers about the restless leg syndrome. And hope Jaime is getting stronger every day. Love, Ann


            • Ann, Your daughter will get comfortable in her own skin soon. It will start very soon. The kids are almost afraid to move wrong because they have been told no bending, twisting, etc., so they are trying to follow the rules and they become robotic about it. I wish you could see Crystal today at 10 months post op. The way she moves and carries on, you would never think she had surgery last year.

              Yes, a small school, 225 students k-12, is very nice to work with. I wish all of you had that small of a school to deal with. Our girls have always gone to small schools and they really like them. Classes are relatively small. I think our sophmore class is the biggest class at 47 students total. Our smallest high school class is Seniors at 23 students. Our school consists of two hallways - one for high school and junior high classes and the other for the elementary students. And we have 2 gyms, a library, cafeteria, and FFA Shop. So pretty small. I think the only reason we have two gyms is so that the basketball teams can get all their practice in. We have about 8 teams that need gym time for practice. You'd think with this small of a school that we wouldn't have much for sports. But, when that is all the kids have to do in the winter time, because they are all farmers/ranchers kids, they all play.

              Glad to hear everyone is getting along well. You will all see some big improvements in mobility soon, very soon. And before you know it you won't be able to keep up with them anymore.



              • Hello to all,
                This is Laura P. Long story they changed my name. When I first registered this was what I registered as but it wouldn't let me post. I sent emails to customer service with no response. So I reregistered, and have been under Laura P. Yesterday it wouldn't let me on and I figured out they had straightened out my first registration and disabled my second so here I am under Jamie's mom.
                We got a good report from her doctor yesterday. THat was the good news the bad news is he couldn't explain the problems she is having with her hands and feet so we are going to make sure she isn't anemic first and then go from there. He said "she was doing good". We go back in 8 weeks for recheck. Hopefully the hands and feet situation will be gone by then.
                Homebound is going good. This is going to be a big help and alot of stress off of her to hurry back. Yesterday wiped her out going two hours to the doctor then two hours home. It rained the entire way to and from. We were both exhausted. Glad everyone is doing good.
                Ann, Jamie is a Junior sounds like your Liz is doing good. When you say not comfortable in her skin to you mean stiff or just real cautious. I can't spell today for some reason. I can tell when Jamie's muscle relaxer wears off because she gets extrememly stiff and pulls to one side. Is that what you mean. Our doctor told us to keep taking those. She is almost never taking pain meds now just the muscle relaxer. The iron has tore Jamie's stomach up but we will keep trying. Glad to hear from everyone and I don't know what I would do with all of your help and kindness. Have a good day.

                Laura P


                • Hi All,

                  Good to hear updates from everyone

                  Laura, Briann had restless leg problems just after Christmas and still does on occasion. I would have to rub her legs in the middle of the night and put heat on them. She used to get growing pains years ago and she says that's what it felt like. I read somewhere on here that this feeling is probably a nerve thing. She does have numbness and sensitivity in one leg (upper thigh) that we are praying will go away. She says the feeling has changed somewhat (it's just different feeling now) and the girls on spinekids told her this was a good sign that it was changing. Maybe this is similar to what Jamie is having.

                  Glad to hear your appt went well. We go back sometime next week. Briann went to school for 3 1/2 hours today and is laying down now. Maybe sometime next week she'll go a full day.



                  • Hi Everyone. Believe it or not, Elizabeth has made 2 full days of school this week. She is feeling really good and is smiling as she comes out at the end of the day. She is using the elevator to get to the second floor of the building and is allowed to have 1 friend ride with her. She has extra books at home so she doesn't have to carry them around. Elizabeth told me she went to the nurse's office this afternoon to take a couple ibuprofens, but it was more just not wanting to start hurting - trying to catch it before. Anyway, she is doing great and I can't believe it.

                    I just wanted to encourage everyone and say thanks for all the support and encouragement you have given to my family. I know that we all still have a ways to go in healing and recovery, but the girls have come so far in just 7 weeks. It is so encouraging.

                    I hope Lizzie starts to feel more comfortable soon and can get back involved in the high school. I can understand why you would be uncomfortable with her going back before she is ready with it being so big. Glad that Briann is going back part time and hopefully it will be a full day before you know it.

                    Sounds like we need to keep praying for Jamie with the restless leg syndrome stuff. That is not fun and keeps you all from getting a good night's sleep, which you need. Please keep us informed as to how she is doing.

                    Nikki, thanks for the encouragement to all of us. It is good to know how well Crystal is doing at 10 months postop. It is so good to hear that she moves so well and is not bothered by the rods or fusion. I am thinking that by this summer, Elizabeth will be able to swim and start dance back up. We will just have to see what the doctor says, but it is encouraging to hear your updates.

                    Love, Connie


                    • Hello Everyone,

                      Wow, Connie, it sounds like Elizabeth is forging ahead in her recovery. I'm so glad school is going well for her. And by the way, I think it's great that you seem to have connected with Marie and her daughter Jaime. I thought of you when I saw that she was from Oklahoma. How nice to have someone "geographically desirable!"

                      Lizzie is doing so much better here than the last time I posted. It was almost like one day, she just turned the corner. Tutoring is coming fast and furious so her days are somewhat full -- what a difference from a few weeks back. She goes to the doctor next Tuesday and I'm sure he'll give the go-ahead for school. I've been amazed to read how many kids are back to school already -- kids who've had surgery after Liz.

                      I keep telling Lizzie "Crystal stories," Nikki. She especially likes the dishwasher one. I, however, cautioned her not to try it!

                      Hope everyone is doing great. We must be -- our posts are getting fewer and farther between! Love, Ann


                      • To All Of You:
                        You all know of the Shrine Hospitals all over the U.S. Well, I am one proud Momma right now. We have the East/West Shrine Football Game in Baker City, OR, every year in August. They select an East Queen and a West Queen. The criteria is that you have to be or have been a Shrine Hospital Patient. Crystal is the East Queen this year. She was told Sunday at her Internationl Order of the Rainbow meeting. You should of seen her face. She just beamed from ear to ear. Not that my life is busy enough, but now more. But, Craig and I are proud parents that out of all the nominations, she was the one choosen. Good thing Craig was appointed as her escort for the year. It gives him something to do and keep organized, but you know who will organize it.

                        All the proceeds from the East/West Shrine Football Game go directly to the Shrine Hospital.

                        Keep up the good work ladies. Your girls are doing great. Isn't it funny how one day they just seem to really turn a corner on recovery. And, then a little while down the road it will happen again, and again, and again.

                        'til later,


                        • Hi Everyone,

                          I was just thinking too that we are not posting as much. I somehow have time to get on to read and then get pulled away before I can post.

                          Sounds like Lizzie is getting caught up by her tutors. I'd keep her at home as long as possible. Yea, I had to brag about the Panthers and then we get stomped. Oh well, it was a least until Sunday when we had a house full of bummed out fans.

                          Connie, Wow, when Elizabeth went back...she went for it. Glad to hear things are going so well.

                          Laura, I sent you a private message. Hope the leg problem is improving.

                          Renee, Joseph seems to be doing great!

                          Briann made it a full day yesterday and is trying it again today. Everytime the phone rings I'm ready to hop in the car and pick her up. I miss having her at home with me. I mentioned that OK. Elizabeth went full days last week and I think Briann felt she needed to try it to stay caught up. I keep reminding her that everyone heals differently.

                          Have a great week everyone!



                          • Glad to see your post Cheryl. I kind of miss talking to you guys more often, but I guess that means life is getting back to fairly normal for all of us.

                            Elizabeth is doing really well in school, although she complains every night of her shoulder hurting. It is the right shoulder every time and it is just very tight. She used a heating pad tonight and didn't turn the heat down like I asked her to, so she kind of burned it a little. It is a little pink, but hopefully that will be gone by morning. School work seems to be going well and she is glad to be back as enrollment for high school will be taking place soon and they are doing a lot of testing and talking about classes and things for next year.

                            I am glad that Briann made it the full day yesterday. I bet she was pretty proud of herself as that is a big accomplishment. Each child is different in their healing process, and I think they are all doing well. I understand about that feeling of wondering if the phone will ring for you to go and pick her up from school. I still wonder about that with Elizabeth.

                            Nikki, congrats to Crystal on being selected East Queen this year. How exciting!

                            Ann, I am so happy to hear that Lizzie is doing better. I am so glad. I can't wait to hear how her doctor's appt. goes next week. We don't go back until sometime in February. Is Lizzie ready to go back to school? Elizabeth was very ready to get back into the school routine with her friends and feel a part of what was going on. She made it back in time to be in the 8th grade Pom picture for the yearbook. She did the Pom dancing for football season, but she has missed the basketball season with surgery.

                            Take care everyone. It was nice to connect with Marie and her daughter. I just hope I can be an encouragement and help to her in the days ahead. We don't live in the exact city, but close enough that we can keep in contact. I just hope that Carrie has had a good day and that Marie is feeling more calm. This is a trying experience to go through, especially for the families as it is hard to watch someone you love in so much pain.



                            • I need some advice. Our post-op 8 weeks appt. is tomorrow. What questions should I ask? I will feel funny not walking in with a ton of questions like I used to pre-surgery but as of now, I really don't have a lot of questions.



                              • Cheryl,
                                Your concerns now are your daughters limitations and how she is healing. Ask how the fusion looks, what are your daughters limits on weight to lift, can she do some light exercises in a swimming pool (sometimes doctors allow this because the boyancy from the water is an advantage, how does her scar look like it is healing, etc. It is very strange to not have a huge list of questions, but remember the scariest part of the whole thing is over. If there are things that you feel are going slow for your daughter as far as healing goes, ask about it. If you don't feel your daughter is moving around well enough mention it to the doctor.

                                All of these girls should be progressing along quite well at this point. They should be able to do things for themselves and moving around relatively well. If you don't feel this is happening for your daughter discuss it with the doctor.

                                Hope this helps.


