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Medical Certificate: Air travel with brace

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  • Medical Certificate: Air travel with brace


    has any of the braced patients here a medical certificate to facilitate flying with your brace on, so that you do not have to check it in. If yes, could you please post the text and which other informations are included.

    We are currently developing example texts for doctors to print out and sign for their patients in the German forum.

    It would also be great if you native English speakers could also check and if necessary correct the following (medical certificate in German and English):

    Patientendaten / Patient’s data

    Name / Surname

    Vornamen / Given names
    Maximilie Maja

    Geburtstag und -ort / Date and place of birth
    01.01.1990 Musterstadt

    Gegenwärtige Anschrift / Adress
    Musterstraße 1
    11111 Musterstadt

    Medizinisches Attest

    Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass sich der/die oben genannte Patient/in wegen einer schweren Wirbelsäulendeformität in medizinischer Behandlung befindet. Er/Sie muss daher jederzeit eine orthopädische Rumpforthese (Korsett) tragen. Die Orthese kann nur über sehr kurze Zeiträume (z.B. zur Körperpflege) abgenommen werden.

    Medical Certificate

    This confirms that the above mentioned patient is in medical treatment for a severe spinal deformity. Therefore he/she has to wear an orthopedic orthosis (brace) at all times. The orthosis can only be taken off for very short periods of time (e.g. for personal hygiene).

    Datum und Ort / Date and place
    15.08.2006 Beispieldorf

    Unterschrift des Arztes / Doctor’s signature
    Burkhardt Beispiel

    Stempel / Stamp
    Thank you!
    Last edited by BZebra; 08-16-2006, 06:41 PM.

  • #2
    I wouldn't change much, but I think that a head shot alone would be sufficient to verify brace wearer's ID. as not all wearers will wear brace over their street clothes. This save the person from having to take the brace off and put it back on twice for the benefit of a picture. If you haven't already, try contacting some of the various airlines and see what their requirments would be.


    • #3
      Originally posted by The Slice
      I wouldn't change much, but I think that a head shot alone would be sufficient to verify brace wearer's ID. as not all wearers will wear brace over their street clothes.
      Thank you for your feedback, Slice!

      The picture was meant to be optional. Actually, the thought behind it was to make the certificate more internationally understandable, so that when you are in a country where you cannot take for granted that people speak English, they would still be able to discern what the certificate is trying to tell them. You would just have to lift your shirt and show it to them.

      Someone in our forum was told from her airline, that she should have her certificate translated in Chinese for the back flight from China.

      Given the current security standards on some airlines, you would probably have to put the brace off anyway to get it x-rayed before boarding, at least that is what our newspapers tell us: shoes, wheelchairs and any item you carry on or with you have to be x-rayed.
      Last edited by BZebra; 08-16-2006, 06:20 PM.


      • #4
        wait... why do u need this i've traveled with my brace on or in a bag that i carried on and i haven't had any problems...

        14 yrs old
        28 t
        29 L before brace
        right now: 21 L
        now i'm doing basketball, ballet, and piano


        • #5
          For what it is worth, my minor corrections in red


          Patientendaten / Personal details

          Name / Surname

          Vornamen / First names
          Maximilie Maja

          Geburtstag und -ort / Date and place of birth
          01.01.1990 Musterstadt

          Gegenwärtige Anschrift / Address
          Musterstraße 1
          11111 Musterstadt

          Medizinisches Attest

          Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass sich der/die oben genannte Patient/in wegen einer schweren Wirbelsäulendeformität in medizinischer Behandlung befindet. Er/Sie muss daher jederzeit eine orthopädische Rumpforthese (Korsett) tragen. Die Orthese kann nur über sehr kurze Zeiträume (z.B. zur Körperpflege) abgenommen werden.

          Medical Certificate

          This is to confirm that the above mentioned patient is being treated for a severe spinal deformity. Therefore he/she has to wear an orthopedic orthosis (brace) at all times. The orthosis can only be taken off for very short periods of time (e.g. for personal hygiene).

          Datum und Ort / Date and place
          15.08.2006 Beispieldorf

          Unterschrift des Arztes / Doctor’s signature
          Burkhardt Beispiel

          Stempel / Stamp

