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scoliosis x

  • Requesting Help With Hiding Pointed Chest, Back hump, and uneven shoulders

    Hello, I am scoliatic and I require assistance. I have a fairly large back hump, my chest is pointed, and I have like many of you, uneven shoulders. I have been home-schooled my entire life and am going to public school next year and want to minimize the stares or constant questions. Does anyone know...
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  • hello, I found a way to fix scoliosis kyphosis lordosis

    hello I am moreno, I had some serious postural problems and I found a way to cure me and other friends who had my problem ....
    I understand that it's all from the teeth

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  • abolger12
    started a topic Boston Spinal Surgeons

    Boston Spinal Surgeons


    I'll be needing surgury for my scoliosis soon and I'm looking for a really good surgeon in the Boston area. My curve it at 45 degrees and has increased 9 degrees in the last year. I'm 23 and currently seeing another doctor in Worcester, but would like to get a second opinion,...
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  • bmora_kc
    started a topic Not Getting Better..

    Not Getting Better..

    I've had scoliosis and torticollis my entire life. I haven't known anything different and no one seems to think my pain is a big deal.
    Recently i've noticed that my back is hurting more and more at work. I get a burning sensation and it's difficult to stay standing. I don't really know what other...
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  • heatherf
    started a topic Congenital Scoliosis treated at age 7

    Congenital Scoliosis treated at age 7

    I am new to posting but have viewed this site from time to time and found it very helpful. It has been very hard for me to talk with anyone about all of my health issues, but being on here and hearing so many brave people dealing with similar situations has really helped.

    I am wondering...
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  • sickandtired
    started a topic New Here, Adult Degenerative Scoliosis

    New Here, Adult Degenerative Scoliosis

    Hi, everyone. I am new here and newly diagnosed.

    I have a list of about 25 diagnoses, a lot of them rare disorders, that I have been "accumulating" for the past ten years. I am disabled. I have had back injuries since I was 17 and I am 53. For years I have had pain and felt...
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  • pictures of my back: Scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis. Discussion

    Hey everyone,

    I just wanted to take some pictures of my back in an attempt to better understand the problem and get to know scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis better. I believe that better understanding leads to motivation which leads to change. It is my wish that we can discuss the different...
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    Last edited by Christian0710; 06-27-2010, 02:44 PM. Reason: Might as well include them in the beginning

  • mangos
    started a topic Dr. Ain at Johns Hopkins?

    Dr. Ain at Johns Hopkins?

    I've read a lot of good things on here about Dr. Kebaish at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. I am currently seeing Dr. Michael Ain for my scoliosis, and he is also at Hopkins. He has recommended surgery for my now-progressed AIS curves (I was diagnosed at age 12 and have never had a surgery). I am...
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  • chickatey
    started a topic new here- thoracic curve and pain

    new here- thoracic curve and pain

    Hi all,

    My name is Katey and this is my first post, though I've been reading for awhile. I am a 24 y.o. female with a 50 degree thoracic curve. The worst of it is between T3-T6. I have not had surgery and have not yet had a doctor want to do surgery, though I am leaning (haha- literally)...
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  • 5 Year Old Daughter had Growing Rods (Shilla) Surgery

    Hello everyone,

    First of I just wanted to thank all of you who have posted in the past. Your stories and experiences have helped myself and my family through a difficult time. I just wanted to take a minute and share our story for families who may go through a similar experience. I...
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  • New Minimally Invasive Surgery Procedure for Severe Scoliosis

    Hello, I want to introduce myself, I'm Dr. Neel Anand. I specialize in minimally invasive spine surgery and I created a new, minimally invasive procedure that straightens out the spine and maintains the correction.
    This is very exciting, as I can operate on older adults who were either never...
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  • is scoliosis affected by which hand you use most ?

    Hi, I have "mild" scoliosis which causes me quite a bit of pain and tightness in my back.
    my lower shoulder is the right one, I also happen to be right handed. I was wondering whether thats normally the case that your lower shoulder is the same side as the hand you use most ?
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  • mamamax
    started a topic Scoliosis and the Human Spine

    Scoliosis and the Human Spine

    Have just received Martha's Book Scoliosis and the Human Spine (available through NSF .. all proceeds from this book, donated directly to NSF for research and patient education and support). Ordered the scolio band as well as those proceeds are also donated to NSF.

    There is a chapter
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    Last edited by mamamax; 05-25-2009, 12:52 PM.

  • Radhika
    started a topic An Update from a Silent Reader

    An Update from a Silent Reader

    This forum has been of great help and inspiration. I have had Scoliosis since teens and finally got my Surgery done on March 6, 2009 at the age of 31. I am a mother of 2 boys(7 yr and 2yr).Me and my husband had prepared ourselves for a long and difficult recovery. But the recovery has been much easier...
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  • khes
    started a topic 18 years old- curious about surgery

    18 years old- curious about surgery

    Well, I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was around 14 and I'm 18 now. When I was 16, after noticing that my curvature had increased (top and bottom are both between 35 and 40), my orthopedist suggested I have a spinal fusion soon, while I was still a teenager. Unfortunately, my doctor was retiring...
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