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adult scoliosis x

  • Gina2191
    started a topic New Tingling

    New Tingling

    Hello all! I am a 23 year old female. I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 13 years old. I was treated with a brace for about a year, and since then have had periodic x-ray check ups, with the top curve floating close to 40 and the bottom around the 30s. I am an active person, I do yoga and go...
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  • Has anyone tried the Lycra Orthosis Compression Suit for adult scoliosis?


    I'm new here, certainly not new to scoliosis, which I've had since I had polio at age 11. Idiopathic scoliosis runs in my family, mother, uncle, cousins, some of whom had fusions. Mine was never treated and in the past five years (I'm 66 and female) it has progressed. I now have lumbar...
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  • Rib hump worse, rod pushing through skin, more pain...

    I posted before about ongoing problems I'm having. I have a broken Harrington rod which is visible through my skin. I was fused from T3 - L2 in 1967 and again in 1970, ages 12 and 15.

    My current curve progressed over the years to 68 degrees thoracic from 55 degrees when I first had...
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  • Any recommendations for doctors and physical therapists in Philadelphia?

    I live in Philadelphia and am looking for solutions for my 60-degree thoracalumbar curve. Has anyone in Philadelphia found helpful doctors (orthopedists, physiatrists and surgeons) and physical therapists or other practitioners who offered some helpful solutions for adults with advanced...
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  • New Minimally Invasive Surgery Procedure for Severe Scoliosis

    Hello, I want to introduce myself, I'm Dr. Neel Anand. I specialize in minimally invasive spine surgery and I created a new, minimally invasive procedure that straightens out the spine and maintains the correction.
    This is very exciting, as I can operate on older adults who were either never...
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