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  • #16
    go, if you can manage it......

    Connie----do not get discouraged! This forum has been a great support system for me thru my surgery. I had anterior/posterior surgery w/ Dr. Boachie last August. I Honestly thank god every morning that I was guided to this wonderful surgeon. I had a huge curve of 95 thorocolumbar, that he was able to reduce to about 60....Although there has been ups & downs thru this recovery, I am much better off healthwise & now I can function better... I had major digestion issues prior to they are he got rid of my ugly back-hump which has made me feel like a new woman!!!
    If you can manage to do the drive to see him, it is worth it, believe me! I can also give you info on where to stay ...would advise you to stay over with that will be worth it to you, believe me.....he's my hero!
    about 6 mos post-op
    ps. the hospital for special surgery has a hotel connected--the bel aire, where I stayed...very nice & right by his me if you need more
    Last edited by lelc2002@yahoo; 02-17-2007, 10:00 AM.


    • #17
      Thank you Lynn. I was a bit discouraged. I have been very lucky. I have not let my scoliosis stop me from doing anything that I wanted to do. And I don't want to let it now. I don't have as severe a case as some of the postings that I have read. My curve is only in the lumbar and sacral region, but has increased and I have lost an inch in height. I do know that I will need to do something if I want to be able to continue to be as active as I am. I am currently still able to do most things that I want to. I just know that I will have to face the pain afterward. I haven't called Dr. Boachie's office yet to make an appointment. Do you have a sense of how long the wait is?
      My brother-in-law lives just outside the city so I will have a convenient place to stay.

      Thanks again!! Connie


      • #18
        Connie----You should be able to see him possibly even in March....most likely April, although he goes to Africa, probably the end of April. I go March 12th, monday....Most appointments are on Mon's or Thursdays...I'd recommend a Monday if you can get it...they see less patients on Mondays & Thursdays are crazy & expect to be there a while, lots of appmts!.....we flew in & out last visit in Dec..on a Monday @10:30...we made it to western NJ by about 1:45..great time! let me know if you need any other info...Lynne


        • #19
          That's a lot sooner than I thought I would be able to get in. Thanks for the great tips on appts! I am away in early April to the Grand Canyon hiking so the end of April or May would be great! I'm excited about the trip, but anxious too. I know I can do the hiking, it's just the painful aftermath of the hiking and sleeping on the ground that I'm worried about. My back definitely does not like that. :-)
          I'll keep in touch! I hope your appt in March goes well!


          • #20
            I live in England and I've seen it we were on about it on a couple of weeks ago all I can say is that is really interesting and it was with Dr Ohena Boachie from New York.
            Kerry 15
            From England
            3 Spinal Surgerys
            Mr Dorgan & Mr Bruce Thankyou
            Alder Hey Childrens Hospital Ward E2 Thankyou so Much


            • #21
              Originally posted by CHRIS WBS
              Hi Connie,

              Unfortunately, surgery does not cure scoliosis. At best, it can manage the condition. And for those of us who have never had surgery, this forum has been quite a learning experience. Even with the newer instrumentation and techniques being used today, there is no guarantee that one surgery will fix things permanently.

              You are very fortunate though if you can manage a consult with Dr. Boachie.

              I wish you all the best,

              Dear Chris,
              It seems to me you too are against the surgery like us. For weeks we have been struggling with the decision for whether we should go for the surgey or not. Our biggest concern is the long term effect after the surgery. By now we looked every possible place for the surgery alternatives and spent exhausting hours on it but as scary as this surgery is there seem to be no other way to go around it. If you know any please email me


              • #22
                I’m sorry that you misinterpreted my post, but no, I am not against this surgery. I believe it has benefited many people. However, I do think a lot of research and careful selection of surgeon and hospital are crucial to a satisfactory outcome. Everyone’s situation is unique, and clearly the younger the patient, the easier the surgery and faster the recovery. Personally, if I had a child with progressive scoliosis and had consenting opinions from several surgeons, I would proceed with surgery, because the disease will only worsen if left untreated.



                • #23
                  Oh I saw part of that awhile ago, I really want to see it again. This kind of stuff interests me, and I have Scoliosis too.


                  • #24

                    The last time anyone replied to this post was over two years ago! On this forum we try not to drag up old posts just to say, "oh, I saw that show" type of thing. It tends to slow down the site and wastes space.

                    Mary Lou
                    Mom to Jamie age 21-diagnosed at age 12-spinal fusion 12/7/2004-fused from T3-L2; and Tracy age 19, mild Scoliosis-diagnosed at age 18.


                    • #25
                      Yeah, I'll keep that in mind when posting. Jules told me that on Spinekids too

                      If you are having problems with your internet being slow or sites loading you may want to also consider defragging your computer, this gets rid of cookies and unecesary stored "Junk" on your computer.

