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  • titaniumed
    Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
    I get out of the brace today. Yes!!!! In a sling and go to outpatient therapy today.
    Pain may get worse when we start moving the shoulder but the therapy order is very restrictive for the next 6 weeks. Just moving but no weight or muscle strengthening yet.
    Actually the order is written out for 12 months of progression.
    12 months of PT.....that is quite an order.

    I remember how slow my shoulder therapy was in the beginning.....they used a cyro cold machine which actually felt pretty good....I didn't get into any weights for some time, and when it happened it was done with 1# weights. It was all about moving things. Quite similar to my scoliosis surgery recovery....a very slow process.

    They are forecasting up to 10 feet of snow up at Donner Pass, California over the next few days....If you come out here for your PT, you will the cyro therapy for free, and if you fall in powder, it doesn't cause much damage. (smiley face)

    Dr Cotrel had scoliosis patients in Berck, France doing their therapy after scoliosis surgery on the beach....He mentioned this in his book, "The Sands of Berck".

    Anyone walk in deep sand on a beach? It's not easy with scoliosis.


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  • LindaRacine

    So as to not hijack Jackie's thread, I moved your post to a new thread. Let me know if you have trouble finding it.


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  • jackieg412
    We managed the pain on Tylenol and gabapentain. Also a pain block was left in the scapula area for 2 days past the surgery.. That was so I would lake deep breaths to reinflate the right lung and avoid infection..
    I get out of the brace today. Yes!!!! In a sling and go to outpatient therapy today.
    Pain may get worse when we start moving the shoulder but the therapy order is very restrictive for the next 6 weeks. Just moving but no weight or muscle strengthening yet.
    Actually the order is written out for 12 months of progression.
    The ulnar nerve is still acting up. I am hopeful that may settle as all moving begins but we will see.
    The neurosurgeon and orthopaedic believe this winging of the scapula was the result of a nerve injury during the scoliosis surgery in February of 2011. So for 10 years we have tried everything else to avoid this fusion of the scapula but it did not work.
    It is too early to say if it is successful but my shoulders are balanced.
    Yes Merry Christmas to all. This may be my present.

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  • titaniumed
    Originally posted by jackieg412 View Post
    When he replaced it he used 4 rods in the union to the lumbar and the lower level of the thoracic.
    Interesting....Looking forward to seeing those x-rays....

    There are lists of things we might need to get for scoliosis surgery, but if your going to do a scapula fusion and have to wear the big gun slinger brace, this is something I would pick up. You still have time! (smiley face)

    Worth every penny!

    Still wondering about your pain levels.....the C7/C8 hand pain, the ulnar nerve elbow pain, T1 PSO level, T5 infection level and of course the neck.....You have had a smorgasbord of spine procedures.

    In case I do not post, everyone have a Merry Christmas!


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  • jackieg412
    Hi Ed, I will answer about the rods here.. My original surgery was 2 rods that eventually were extended to C-4. But last October the neurosurgeon explored the fusion through the thoracic and found that it had never healed. So he took everything out but the lumbar levels. When he replaced it he used 4 rods in the union to the lumbar and the lower level of the thoracic. I will look at the levels. He also used cervical screws in the thoracic to keep them low profile.

    I will try to post the. X-Ray when I get new ones in January. It should show the scapula fusion.
    6 weeks tomorrow. Then I begin outpatient therapy. No big brace. Just a smaller sling. Yes กก!!!!!!!!!!

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  • jackieg412
    Time moves so fast. Ten more days in the brace. I still can't get it on or off by myself.I had xrays on Tuesday. It looks like a strip of snaps on around 5 ribs.. I was told it is looking good. But it is still early..On December 21 I can remove the brace and use a sling. I also start outpatient PT.
    It is passive motion only for the next 6 weeks. No weights or bands until after 3 months.
    Everything lead the surgeon to say that there had been a nerve injury at the time of the spinal surgery for the thoracic scoliosis. It has been a long time coming. A lot of early PT, A d 2 surgeries to prevent this thoracic scapula fusion. This just has to work.

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  • titaniumed
    Hang in there Jackie....things will get better soon.

    Are you at home now?


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  • jackieg412
    I'm still in the brace. I am doing better left handed. It is still a challenge to do most things. Changing clothes is an athletic endeavor. It can get very tiring.But coming along.

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  • jackieg412
    I will be using a hospital bed and recliner. It gets painful in bed so I have to get up in the chair.

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  • titaniumed
    How is the sleeping going? Are you using a chair of some sort, or recliner bed?


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  • jackieg412
    I am 2 weeks today. Only 4 weeks until brace comes off. It is uncomfortable in the brace and to do everything one handed is a learning curve but I am getting there.
    The brace has caused a lot of questions. It is big and bulky. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I will still need help at home. One day at a time

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  • titaniumed
    Jackie, How are you posting? I have to ask.

    Your not playing chopsticks on the piano are you? You know, gunslinger style? (smiley face)

    So glad the pain is under control.....


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  • jackieg412
    I did make it to rehab. It wasn't an easy trip. Everybody at rehab questions the brace .it is unusual and difficult to deal wasn't as painful as I thought.

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  • titaniumed
    Oh boy.... Hang in Jackie....


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  • jackieg412
    I did make it to rehab. Not easy

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