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I have definitely moved to "revision" now!

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  • I have definitely moved to "revision" now!

    My revision surgery was one week ago, yesterday. My results are AMAZING. Dr. Tribus really got a chance to show what an amazing surgeon he is. When he opened me up, apparently I was in worse condition than the CT had suggested. Two of the non-union levels were straightforward and he redid those. The 3rd was a challenge: it wiggled freely, and had a nerve wrapped around it, which made it riskier than had been expected. He's said a few times that where that nerve was made him nervous, as he cleaned out the area and applied the bmp. He was "worried about any neurologic deficit [I] might be left with", and was relieved when he knew that I was OK.
    My first 15 hours awake were excruciating. They tried different meds, but nothing helped at all. I wouldn't have known they had given me anything if they hadn't told me. I spent a few hours in Recovery, while my husband waited in my designated room, getting reports that they were still trying to manage my pain. At 10:30pm, Recovery closes, so then they took me to my room. Around 6am, the 4th yr resident who had been in the OR w/me came in and said if he could, he'd snow me, but my respirations were already too low. Both he and Dr. Tribus said, in their separate visits, that they were not surprised by my level of pain because they knew what they did to me in the OR. Also, the resident said that, as soon as they saw my spine, they understood how/why I had been in so much pain and that I had not exaggerated. That made me feel vindicated. My day shift RN came in and started with meds, positioning and ice packs, and by 10am, I was more comfortable. BUT, I realized early on that the horrible bone pain that came from the non-union of that wiggly vert, was GONE!! And, just as wonderful, the osteotomy had totally taken care of my sagittal imbalance - I realized that, as soon as I walked, Wed night. I feel like I have my life, and my future, back!! I turned 50 on Sun - best birthday present ever!!
    So, now I'm taking it easy. My pain is easily controlled by oxycodone, Flexaril and Tylenol. Last night, I actually slept 6 hours straight. For some reason, the worst of the pain is under my left ribs - muscle spasm, I guess.
    It's good to be back!
    Last edited by mgs; 03-02-2011, 12:41 PM.
    Fused T-3 to L-3, Aug 25
    Hardware removal surgery, Nov 2, 2010
    Fused T-10 to L-2, osteotomy, Feb 22, 2011

  • #2
    I am so happy for you. This is terrific! Walking straight and losing that pain has to make you feel reborn! Wonderful! Janet

    61 years old--57 for surgery

    Diagnosed in 1965 at age of 13--no brace
    Thoracic Curve: 96 degrees to 35 degrees
    Lumbar Curve: 63 degrees to 5 degrees
    Surgery with Dr. Lenke in St. Louis--March 30, 2009
    T-2 to Pelvis, and hopefully all posterior procedure.

    All was posterior along with 2 cages and 6 osteotomies.


    • #3
      It was hard to read about that first 15 hours, but it seems that it was all well worthwhile. Congratulations! I hope the remainder of your recovery goes smoothly.
      Surgery March 3, 2009 at almost 58, now 63.
      Dr. Askin, Brisbane, Australia
      T4-Pelvis, Posterior only
      Osteotomies and Laminectomies
      Was 68 degrees, now 22 and pain free


      • #4
        I am so happy for you! I knew you would be happy with your osteotomy as I was. That seems to make all the difference in the ability to stand up straight. How great is it that your pain is manageable so soon after surgery! I wish you a smooth recovery and that this will be your very last surgery ;-))) You deserve it!
        May 2008 Fusion T4 - S1, Pre-op Curves T45, L70 (age 48). Unsuccessful surgery.

        March 18, 2010 (age 50). Revision with L3 Osteotomy, Replacement of hardware T11 - S1 , addition of bilateral pelvic fixation. Correction of sagittal imbalance and kyphosis.

        January 24, 2012 (age 52) Revision to repair pseudoarthrosis and 2 broken rods at L3/L4.


        • #5
          That's terrific news. You've been such a trooper and an inspiration during all of this - I'm so happy to hear that your hard journey is nearing an end.


          • #6
            Congratulations! You're on the way to a better life!

            Surgery-Jan. 5, 2011-Dr. Lenke
            Fusion T-4-sacrum-2 cages/5 osteotomies
            70 degree thoracolumbar corrected to 25
            Rib Hump-GONE!
            Age-60 at the time of surgery
            Now 66
            Avid Golfer & Tap Dancer
            Retired Kdgn. Teacher

            See photobucket link for:
            Video of my 1st Day of Golf Post-Op-3/02/12-Bradenton, FL
            Before and After Picture of back 1/7/11
            tap dancing picture at 10 mos. post op 11/11/11-I'm the one on the right.


            • #7
              We are all so thrilled that you are finally feeling better. And so soon-what a relief!!! I am so happy for you.
              Bend, Oregon

              Braced 3 years in high school
              Lumbar 70'+ Thoracic 70'+
              I had 3" shrinkage in 6 months...

              Surgery Jan 10, 2011
              9 hours
              T3 to S1 with pelvic fixation
              Both curves now 35'

              Possible revison for Flatback Syndrome
              Loose/broken hardware-awaiting CT results

              Here is the link to my before and after pics..


              • #8
                Thank you all so much!!!

                I just took 2 oxycodones - 12 hours since my last! It's not so much "pain" as it is a feeling of tired muscles. I guess that makes sense, since I was cut from stem to stern 3 times in just under 18 months. Also, I feel a little funny, going from several oxycodones/day, then to none, so quickly. I took a nice nap, and am trying to not overdo. I guess I should try to "not count my chickens", since I am only 2 weeks post-op. . .today might be a fluke.
                Last edited by mgs; 03-08-2011, 04:11 PM.
                Fused T-3 to L-3, Aug 25
                Hardware removal surgery, Nov 2, 2010
                Fused T-10 to L-2, osteotomy, Feb 22, 2011


                • #9

                  Even if you don't have pain, you should not go from the max dose to nothing. You need to cut back gradually to avoid withdrawal issues.

                  Glad it appears that you're doing so well.

                  Never argue with an idiot. They always drag you down to their level, and then they beat you with experience. --Twain
                  Surgery 2/10/93 A/P fusion T4-L3
                  Surgery 1/20/11 A/P fusion L2-sacrum w/pelvic fixation


                  • #10
                    Yay for Mgs!!!
                    age 48
                    80* thoracolumbar; 40* thoracic
                    Reduced to ~16* thoracolumbar; ~0* thoracic
                    Surgery 3/14/12 with Dr. Lenke in St. Louis, T4 to S1 with pelvic fixation
                    Broken rods 12/1/19; scheduled for revision fusion L1-L3-4 with Dr. Lenke 2/4/2020
                    Not "confused" anymore, but don't know how to change my username.


                    • #11
                      Congrats on the progress. I have my revision surgery on Friday.


                      • #12
                        Mgs, So glad to hear you are doing better
                        Diagnosed with severe lumbar scoliosis at age 65.
                        Posterior Fusion L2-S1 on 12/4/2007. age 67
                        Anterior Fusion L3-L4,L4-L5,L5-S1 on 12/19/2007
                        Additional bone removed to decompress right side of L3-L4 & L4-L5 on 4/19/2010
                        New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, MA
                        Dr. Frank F.

                        "In God We Trust" Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.


                        • #13
                          YEAH I am so happy for you!!!! I second Linda's recommendation about cutting down on meds to eliminate withdrawls--they are NO FUN!!
                          Debbe - 50 yrs old

                          Milwalkee Brace 1976 - 79
                          Told by Dr. my curve would never progress

                          Surgery 10/15/08 in NYC by Dr. Michael Neuwirth
                          Pre-Surgury Thorasic: 66 degrees
                          Pre-Surgery Lumbar: 66 degrees

                          Post-Surgery Thorasic: 34 degrees
                          Post-Surgery Lumbar: 22 degrees

