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Hip pain caused by scoliosis...????

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  • Doreen1
    I used a watering can for a bit to refill dogs' water bowls. Now I squat down on one knee to pick up the bowl. ;-). You'll learn to be creative.

    Originally posted by jrnyc View Post
    to Ed, Jen and Spring Chicken...
    thanks for the kind words and encouragement...

    i know that it is fear of the unknown that holds me back,,,
    and every time i bend down to pick up Sparky or change his
    water...the boy doesn't drink....he thinks he is a camel...
    or pick up his toy, i wonder how things would be if i were

    i know others have done it and triumphed...just do not
    know that i could be in that group...

    i also might be doing it essentially alone...

    jess...and Sparky

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  • jrnyc
    thanks Irina
    and Sally...i do not know how i missed reading your post..
    thank you so much for your kindness...i sent you a private message...

    susan...thank you for the example of your own experience.

    appreciate the good wishes from all...
    jess...and Sparky

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  • Irina
    Good luck with both of your appointments, Jess!

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  • jrnyc
    Thanks, Sharon...
    going in Wednesday and seeing pain doc, getting half dose
    steroid shot in left hip, fingers crossed...
    then see Lonner Thursday...

    jess... and Sparky

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  • Pooka1
    Good luck at that appointment, Jess.

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  • jrnyc
    am seeing Dr Lonner at 11:30 in Manhattan Thursday, June 26th...
    will try to post X rays after i get back Thursday nite....
    i expect bigger curves than last time in 2010...especially
    since a CT doctor did an X ray since 2010 and said my lumbar
    curve, 62 degrees in 2010, was at 70 degrees.

    jess...and Sparky

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  • susancook
    Originally posted by jrnyc View Post
    Jen the more i read the forum the less i am interested
    in having fusion to sacrum, which is what i require...

    today i read someone's post about never wearing anything
    post surgery for the rest of her life except for stretchy clothing...
    sounds horrible.....that is not a reason that would stop me
    from having surgery.....just one more on a long list...

    the need for fusion to sacrum is what has kept me away
    from surgeons...
    too bad there is no way to fuse the top and then fuse the
    bottom and not fuse them as one...

    i still do not see myself is not in my head
    as my discourages and terrifies and saddens
    me beyond words...

    i am happy for any and all who are glad they had surgery to sacrum.

    jess....and Sparky
    (who requires his owner bend down constantly)
    I think that we see what we want to see in the thread. Irina wears cute form fitting, non-stretchy clothes as did another woman in that thread. She is also slim and tall. I wear mostly stretchy clothes because I like comfort, not because I cannot due to my surgery.

    I focus on what I can do now which is phenomenally more than what I could do before surgery. Sure, I still have some discomfort here and there, but I am in the mainstream of life. I was progressively becoming more debilitated and spending less time outside my house. Not a life that I wanted to live.

    I honestly do not think that fusion and iliac screws have slowed me down....and I'm not smoking anything! Just the opposite, the surgery gave me my life back.


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  • loves to skate
    I have been away for my grandson's graduation up in Providence, RI. If I can give you any kind of encouragement, I would say that if you don't think you have the strength or courage to go for a fusion to the pelvis, think about this. Our strength and courage comes not from us, but from the One who made us. Most of us have been absolutely terrified prior to our surgeries, but when the time comes, peace comes to us and the power of God takes over. (Linda, you can delete this post if you must, but it is the truth.) You have told me you are a believer, so now it is time to trust in Him. I wish you all the Peace in the world. How could you possible want to live the rest of your life as an invalid in serious pain?
    Blessings to you, Sally

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  • jrnyc
    i do not know about braces....
    never seen one...
    i do not think kitties need houses...
    although the tiger i used to help out with in CA,
    near Moorpark, had a den....he slept in there, took
    naps there after he ate....


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  • titaniumed
    I wonder if there is a market for a scoliosis brace cat house?

    I could mount it on a pole and tiger can sharpen his claws on it. (Entertainment value for prior brace wearers)

    Do you think our nations Orthoist’s would find that depressing?

    Last edited by titaniumed; 06-14-2014, 01:28 PM.

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  • jrnyc
    you are so kind, Ed...
    i will let you know...
    thank much.

    jess...and Sparky

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  • titaniumed

    On the mobility question as far as being fused to the pelvis, the very best way to know what its like is to wear a full hard brace. Regardless on if they work or not, this was worth a fortune and prepared me for my surgeries. I knew what I was getting into.

    I have an idea.....I have my “post surgical” brace, which is a split clamshell setup with a front and a back attached with velco straps on the side. I could UPS this to you, and you could try it on and feel what its like to be fused to the pelvis. Its in brand new condition and I hardly wore it.....If it doesn’t fit, you can simply use a hack saw and make it fit. This is easy. Throw it out when you are done with it, or use it as a little dog house for Sparky. Its lined with foam. (smiley face)

    My Copes brace is a relic....and a part of my “turbulent” scoliosis history and I wouldn’t want to part with that brace....That one was a custom fit, and is tight as a drum. Regardless of what Art Copes did, I will give him credit on his brace design....I have no regrets on the purchase of his brace.

    I understand wanting to move to Southern California due to your situation. I will have to come down for a visit...

    Let me know


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  • jrnyc
    thanks, Jen and Susie Bee
    i am truly touched by your concern for me and by your
    i know one person's experience does not speak for everyone...
    i think sometimes the fear takes over...
    also, where i am living now is not conducive to physical recovery...
    eventually i will get around to inquiring if anyone in southern CA
    takes my current insurance...which i plan to change in January.
    i also expect to be in southern CA in January.
    past winter was the last winter in northeast for me.

    thanks guys are so kind.
    jess...and Sparky

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  • Susie*Bee
    And I've never heard of anyone not wearing anything but stretchy clothing. Maybe that is just one person's preference. Not mine, and I'm sure not others...

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  • JenniferG
    I'm sorry to hear that Jess. I'll never stop encouraging you towards surgery because I believe it will help you enormously. But I also respect your choice. When the time comes, if it comes, you'll have lots of us here, barracking for you.

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