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  • Scoliosis

    Hello, I have found out that my daughter has scoliosis. The degree in which she has it is 48 degress the Specialist said that only thing that can help her now is surgery, fuison of the spine with a rod and some cages for her bad disks. Can anyone tell me if the have geard of anything else then surgery to correct this.

  • #2
    I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but most orthopedic doctors recommend surgery when a curve is 40-50*. Now for the good news, chances are she doesn't need surgery immediately so you don't have to make any decisions right now. A lot depends on your daughter's age, bone maturity, etc. My advice to you is this: Talk to your daughter's doctor and find out if her curve is likely to progress. Get a second opinion or even third opinion. Before you make an decisions, make sure you are well informed and you have found the right place for that. For now, I'll wish you the best of luck. I know you will be getting much more information coming your way shortly. Hang in there.
    Mary Lou


    • #3
      Thanks Mary Lou, she has reached her growth the doctor says. He feels that it could get worse, it has ruined to of her disk, so he says the would fuse a rod in her from the side of her and but 3 cages in her were the disk are bad. Going for second op. next week. Curve is from T 8 to L 2 at angle 48 degress. Doctor says that brace will not correct will just stop from curveing more.Do you know how will she be able to move after, upper and lower I hear that you will wear out the back from working 2 as hard because of the lost of movement were back is fused. I s this true?


      • #4
        I had fusion for scoliosis and kyphosis at age 13. It is rare for a case to be so bad as to have immediate surgery. Mine was such a case, the curves were progressing weekly. You have time to work this out! There are problems from the herrington rods used for me, but there are newer ones availible that are better. The important thing to remember is that your daughter needs to try and keep her back strong. Normal sports and exercises can do this. If you do opt for surgery then the strength issue is key. She'll have special exercises to do. She needs to do them. they'll keep the back strong. It has been 15 yrs since my surgery and my only problems come from being overweight. Ask as many specific questions of the md's as you can. It is okay to demand answers and to keep asking until you get them! You might consider bracing, to stop the curvature worsening, and then give yourself time to find out about surgery and get a doc you truely trust.

