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Tingling Burning Pain in Right Extremeties

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  • Tingling Burning Pain in Right Extremeties

    I hope someone can help me with this. I had C-D rods (I think also known as Harrington rods) implanted in 1989. I was 19 years old at the time. I am now 36. Since the surgery I have had very little to no pain or complications whatsoever. Post surgery, my doctor told me that I should exercise regularly to prevent the onset of early arthritis. Following his advice, I live an active lifestyle and do aerobic exercise, and from time to time, I work out with a personal trainer.

    About 2 years ago, I started noticing that I am considerably weaker on the right side of my body than on the left. While I could probably do 5 sets of weight lifting exercises on my left side, after completing just 2 on the right, I couldn't do anymore. My trainer said that everyone has a weaker side, so I took it to be nothing serious and paid it no attention. Over the last several months however, I have been experiencing numbness, tingling and weakness, in both my right arm and leg. In addition, the right side is tighter and more muscular than the left. All of which is very weird to me. My logic is that muscle mass appears when the muscle is worked to exertion. Since the right side tires faster, its working harder all the time, so the result is lean muscle mass. Not sure if I'm right or wrong on this...just my personal theory.

    Also, the sensations used to appear when I was exercising regularly, no they seem to appear without me doing anything to trigger it. As a result, I started going to different doctors to see if someone could give me some answers, so far I've seen, my primary care, a neurologist, a cardiologist (I was also getting pain on the right side of my chest), a rheumatologist, and a physical medicine guy. I've undergone a battery of tests, all of which have come back negative.

    Finally, I went to see an alternative doctor (Ayurvedic). After examining me, Dr. Sharma, said that the cause of my symptoms were directly related to my back surgery, and said that I should see him for treatment. The only problem is, I would have to go to his clinic for treatment, and his clinic is in India.

    Bottom line is this....I would like to know if anyone else out there is experiencing similar symptoms. If yes, have you found the exact cause of the symptoms, and a successful remedy to the problem.

    Please help.