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  • Abr!
    I think it is supported by the most disturbing theory I have heard so far and they have turned upside down all the scoliosis assumptions.
    They says that the body deformities are not a consequence of scoliosis but scoliosis is the consequence of body deformities. The chicken before the egg! They see the organs as perpetrators rather than victims. And they say that we should not be focused in striated muscles but in smooth muscles.
    They not use x rays.
    They are the only ones in the world talking about a definitive cure (without any kind of maintain) of scoliosis even in adults.
    I had never heard about a concept like the pneumatic skeleton before.
    They says we should to be focused in the current cause, not in the historically.
    I know it is a great therapy for children with CP, but I donīt know about nobody with idiopathic scoliosis treated near or after skeleton maturity.
    Do you know if there is some case in your country?