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Numbness/tingly feet Mentruation misinformation on growth and curves

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  • Numbness/tingly feet Mentruation misinformation on growth and curves

    Hi again,

    3rd Surgery for Scoliosis. My daughter has been accepted at Shriners and just in time. Just the past couple of days her toes have been giving her more problems. Her big toe is swollen and an bit red and hurts. The bottom of her other toes, the rounded part are feeling more numb than usual. She had tingly numbness in both of her feet for awhile now but this could be from her spine curving more or just that she stubbed her foot and since it was numb did not even feel it until now. I would think feeling pain is better than not feeling anything but the doctor can explain this. Anyway, has anyone had anything similar to this out there? Numb and tingly toes and half of their feet?????? Also if you had stomach problems from scoliosis, what types did you have? My daughter also lately is having some problems. It just may be nerves. She has had two surgeries on her back already, one for the instrumentation/fusion and the other to take them out since she got a staph infection. Now she has to have another one. She has curved more than she had before and rather quickly. We were told she would not curve and was fused. Bologne. I see so much on these sites and feel they should have never taken her rods out in the first place. I did not know what I know now on the other methods to battle the infection could have been done and was not. This growth rule about once she has gotten her period she will stop growing. Not so. Obviously plenty of the older patients on these sites have curved into their 80's. Just venting but would like to know how everyone feels about things like this out there. Thanks.

  • #2
    Hi Rita,

    My heart goes out to you and your daughter. Who's doing your surgery at Shriners? Betz, D'Andrea? Just curious... I have heard such wonderful things about the Philly Shriners. Also, I'm curious who did her first fusion that failed.

    My daughter is 13 1/2. She got her period the summer before last, just shy of her 12th birthday. Her curves continued to progress from where the larger one was in the high 30's till now where it's 60 degrees, so no, it certainly did not stop when she got her period.

    She has her surgery in a couple of weeks, March 9th at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC. Dr. Boachie is her surgeon. My daughter's only problem has been feeling out of breath when she runs or exerts herself. She also gets muscle spasms in her back and sides, and she has pain in her hips, knees, and ankles. SHe doesn't have any numbness.

    Mother of a 17 year old daughter. Her "S" curve was 40 degree thoracic from T3 to T9, and a 70 degree rotatory thorcolumbar from T9 to L4. She was operated on March 9th, 2005 by Dr. Boachie-Adjei at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC. She was fused from T11 to L3, using an anterior approach, and the major curve corrected to 20 degrees. She's doing great!


    • #3

      I am so sorry to hear that your daughter's problems continue. I too am curious who you will be seeing at Shriner's and also when is your appointment?

      As for the menstrual issues, I've learned that girls usually continue to grow for up to two years after their period has started. I have also learned that the likelihood of the curve progressing depends on what degree the curve was when discovered and possibly what the curve was when skeletal maturity was reached.

      I'm sorry to say that I don't have much to offer in terms of the numbness,etc. Is it maybe a pinched nerve or something like that? Have they ever done an MRI or CAT scan?

      Anyway, best of luck and keep us posted.

      Mary Lou

